Cancelling a Class Section (Partially Taught)

Cancelling a Class Section (Partially Taught)






Business Process

Cancelling a class section where the instructor taught a portion of the class section. 


Curriculum Management


This Job Aid will go over the process necessary to cancel classes including: 1) Emailing students, 2) Cancelling the Class, and 3) Re-entering the meeting pattern and adjusting instructor FTE (if a portion of class was taught).


Introduction Info


You MUST notify the instructor(s) assigned to the course you want to cancel BEFORE you cancel the class section. This will provide the instructor(s) the necessary time to transfer and/or save their Canvas course shell content.






Click on   and then  to navigate to:

Curriculum Management Schedule of Classes Maintain Schedule of Classes


Search for your class by entering the Term, Subject Area, Catalog Nbr and Campus. Click the Search button. Select the row for the appropriate course.


You will be directed to the first section of the course.

Note: There are 83 sections of ENGL 101 scheduled for Fall 2019 at City College. You know this because it says 1 of 83.


Use the Find feature to go directly to the class section you need to cancel.

When you click the Find link, a dialog box will appear.

Enter the Class Number into the field. Click the OK button.


Once you reach the class section you need to cancel, click on the Enrollment Cntrl Tab.


Once on the Enrollment Cntrl tab, click on the drop-down menu for *Class Status.

Change the *Class Status from Active to Stop Further Enrollment.


Once you select the Stop Further Enrollment status, a date field box will appear on the right side of the Cancel Class button. Ignore this field for now, we will enter the date later. 

Click the Save button.


To inform the students on the Class Roster about the class cancellation, click on the New Window link.

Upon clicking on the New Window link, a new Campus Solutions tab will open in your web browser.

Note: This notification to students is not mandatory; an automated cancellation email (3C Communication) will be sent to enrolled and waitlisted students the night the class section is canceled. However, this manual notification is highly encouraged.


To inform students on the Class Roster, click on and click to go back to Curriculum Management and select Class Roster from the menu.

Note: Keep your Maintain Schedule of Classes Page/Tab open for reference!


On the Class Roster Search Page, enter the Term and Class Number. Click the Search button.


You will be directed to the Class Roster for the specific class number you entered on the Search Page.

To notify all students, change the Enrollment Status from Enrolled to All.

Note: If your Enrollment Status option is only 'Enrolled', that means no students are waitlisted.


Click Select All.

Make sure to uncheck the box for students who have self-dropped or were dropped by the instructor.


Click the Notify Selected Students link.


Fill in emails for Department Chairs (if necessary) and Instructors in the CC field. Change the Subject field and add your message in the Message Text box. You may also copy all of the email addresses from this page, and paste them into the BCC line in your Outlook email if you prefer to send the email from Outlook (remember to change the commas [ , ] to semi-colons [ ; ]). When you are done, click the Return to Class Roster link.

Note: You MUST send notification to students BEFORE cancelling the class; otherwise the student roster will be gone.

Tip: If you lose your Class Roster because you cancelled too early or you cancelled a class by accident, you can still locate the students through the various Class Cancellation Reports


Return to Maintain Schedule of Classes to continue cancelling the class section.

a) Go to Enrollment Cntrl tab for your class section

b) Make sure Cancel if Student Enrolled check box is checked

c) Change Class Status from Stop Further Enrollment to Cancelled Section


d) Enter correct class cancellation date into field box (enter by typing, or use calendar feature)

  • If the class start date is not today, and has not passed, use today’s date (the “system” date).

  • If the class start date is today, but the class did not meet, use today’s date (the “system” date).

  • If the class start date has passed, and the class did not meet, backdate to the class start date.

  • If the class start date has passed, and the class met, use the date of the last class meeting.

Note: It is VERY important to follow the directions for the last two bullet points, since they have implications for student account refunds! 


e1 & e2) Click Cancel Class button, then click Save.

Note: Check the Enrollment Totals after saving the cancellation. If a few students remain enrolled after you cancel the class, contact your campus Admissions Office immediately!  If all students remain enrolled after you cancel the class, submit a mySDCCD Staff Help Ticket here. This is considered an enrollment security issue.


The cancellation of the class removes all data from Meetings tab.

Note: If the instructor taught any portion of the class, you will have to re-enter the instructor(s) with a prorated Adjusted FTE for the assignment. See the Prorated Adjusted FTEF Handout for reference.


Example: The class section below met twice (Monday 8/19/2019 and Wednesday 8/21/2019) before it was cancelled. You will need to re-enter the instructor again in the Instructors For Meeting Pattern fields, add ADJ-FTE, and adjust paid hours on Instructor Term Workload.

Note: The instructor's Assignment Type is Time Sheet Only (TSO); instructors must enter the actual hours they taught into their time sheet (based on a 60-minute hour).

Proration of Adjusted FTE:

Class Meeting Times = 11:10am to 12:35pm (1 hour and 25 minutes or 1.42 hours)

The instructor taught 2 days: 2 x 1.42 hours = 2.84 Hours

  1. Adjusted FTE = 0.200 FTE x (2.84 Hours / 54.00 Hours)

  2. Adjusted FTE = 0.200 x (0.05259259)

  3. Adjusted FTE = 0.01051852

  4. Adjusted FTE = 0.011 (rounded)


Navigate to Instructor Term Workload and adjust the Paid Hours. In the Comments field, add a note that the class was cancelled and provide the actual start and end dates the class was taught. Click Save.

Recall the value you should enter for Paid Hours is 2.84 Hours, because:

Class Meeting Times = 11:10am to 12:35pm (1 hour and 25 minutes or 1.42 hours)

The instructor taught 2 days: 2 days x 1.42 hours = 2.84 Hours

Note: Entering the Paid Hours into the Instructor Term Workload is used for reference ONLY. The instructor is still responsible for entering the appropriate and accurate amount of actual hours taught for each day that they taught the class section into their time sheet. If the instructor does not enter the hours into their time sheet, they will not be paid!


End of Job Aid.


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