Creating A New Class Section
Business Process: Create A New Course
Module: Curriculum Management
Must have scheduling security in Campus Solutions.
This Job Aid will go over the process necessary to create a new class section.
Step | Action |
1. | Click on the Compass Icon and to navigate to: Campus Solutions > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes -> Schedule New Course |
Step | Action |
2. | Enter the Term, Subject Area, Catalog Nbr and Campus. Click the Search button. |
Step | Action |
3. | If there are existing sections for a course, click the plus button to add a new section of the course. |
Step | Action |
4. | After clicking the plus icon , you will see a new “blank” section that you can schedule. |
Step | Action |
5. | Begin by selecting the Session Code and Class Start and End Date. |
Step | Action |
6. | Add the Class Section Number. The Associated Class Number and Primary Instr Section will default from the Class Section Number. Note:
Example: The class below is scheduled at City College and it is the fourth section scheduled, the Class Section Number is 1004. Reminder: Check with your campus lead scheduler about using special Class Section Numbers. Warning: Class Section Numbers should not be repeated within the same term, campus, and Course ID. |
Step | Action |
7. | Select the Location for the class section. Tip: Refer to the Course Modality Definitions Handout for guidance. |
Step | Action |
8. | Select the Instruction Mode for the class section. Tip: Refer to the Course Modality Definitions Handout for guidance. |
Step | Action |
9. | Click on the Meetings Tab. |
Step | Action |
10. | Enter the Facility ID (if known), or use the Look Up Facility ID Menu to find a room for the class. Tip: To narrow down your list, enter the campus in the Facility ID field and the Building name in the Building field. Remember to change the criteria to ‘Contains’ instead of ‘Begins with’. |
Step | Action |
11. | Enter the Class Mtg Start and Mtd End times, and the days the class meets. Tip: You can click the Recalc button to verify that the class Total Hours are within the Min/Max Hours range before saving the class. You can adjust the class Mtg Start and Mtg End times and recalc as needed. Refer to the Apportionment Hours Chart (CCCCO 2001) for guidance. |
Step | Action |
12. | Click on the Enrollment Cntrl Tab.of job aid. |
Step | Action |
13. | Enter the Enrollment Capacity (Class Cap) and the Wait List Capacity (Wait Cap). |
Step | Action |
14. | Click on the Notes Tab. |
Step | Action |
15. | Enter any necessary Class Notes in proper case. Click the Save button to save the newly scheduled class section. |
Step | Action |
16. | Once the class section is saved, the system will populate the Class Nbr and the Event ID for the section. |
Step | Action |
17. | End of Job Aid. |