mySDCCD Information Hub


Welcome to the Campus Solutions Information and Training Website.  This website will serve as a resource for students, faculty and staff regarding the Campus Solutions/mySDCCD implementation.  For general information on mySDCCD please visit:

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Dear Colleagues,

Recently Student Services has updated the new “beta” class search to include Continuing Education and Spring 2021 classes.  To encourage use of the beta class search we have replaced the class search links on the “Guest” portal (Link).


Current Class Search

Beta Class Search

 Students who login to Campus Solutions/mySDCCD will continue to use the Current (PeopleSoft delivered) Class Search as shown above (left pane).  Students who do not sign into Campus Solutions and wish to view the class schedule will be directed to the Beta Class Search (right pane) -

Please note: Students are still required to login to add classes to their enrollment shopping cart to enroll in classes. 

The goal is to allow students to add classes to their shopping cart through the Beta Class Search.  Once this feature is complete, we will replace the “Current Class Search” with the newer version.

Key Features:

  • Quicker responsiveness when searching:
    Class data is now loaded initially with instant results being shown to the student.  Please note that because of caching of information, data will be refreshed every 10 minutes.  We will monitor performance and may increase the frequency.

  • Spring 2021 is now the default semester:
    When students visit the class search, they will be directed to Spring 2021 instead of Fall 2020 as the default term.  This change was made due to the numerous comments we received on how the current class schedule functions. The term will change when registration begins for the “next” semester rather than when the ‘current’ semester ends.

  • More Search Criteria:
    In addition to an improved general search (search by name or course), students can use the advanced filters to search for classes in a subject, instructor, zero cost textbooks, start date, etc.).

    Note: Students must click on “Search” once they enter in their criteria.

  • Honors Courses will display the word “Honors” in the class title:

  • Course Information Displayed without leaving the schedule
    Students can now access course information (DETAILS) without leaving their search result by clicking on the course name.  Information  includes:

    • Units, Class Capacity, Type, Deadlines, Course Description and Notes, requisites, degree applicable, transferability and link to books (if any)



  • From the search display, click on the “Open Seats” number to display more information regarding enrollment and waitlist.  Class Capacity is now displayed along with open seats.

  • Hovering the mouse over the class dates will display the specific class deadlines:

  • Clicking on the instructor name will allow students to contact the instructor.  (Note: If students do not have an email program like Outlook setup, they can right click on the name and click on “Copy Email Address”)

  • Class Status Issues have been fixed.  The status will correctly show depending if the class is full, has seats available on the waitlist, requires a permission number or is open.  Additionally, classes will sort by class name, then classes with the most available open seats:

Status Definitions:

·         Open – Class is open for students to enroll and is before the first day of class.

·         Permission # Required – Class is currently in session and requires a permission number to enroll.

·         Waitlist Available – Class is full, but has waitlist spots open

·         Full – Class is full, and the waitlist has no open spots

·         Closed – Add/Drop period has passed


100% Mobile Friendly:  The page will show a clean, mobile friendly- format on phones and tablets:


Please note that students will still need to login to mySDCCD to register for classes.  They can simply copy the Class Number (by clicking on the Class Number button ) and paste it in the “Enter Class Nbr” section once logged into mySDCCD to quickly add classes to their enrollment shopping cart:

We are continuously working to improve the “Beta Class Search”.  If you have any questions, please contact Victor DeVore at Please feel free to distribute and post on your college websites. 


Thank you,

Susan Topham

Vice Chancellor, Educational Services




New College Faculty “IP Grade” form for Spring 2020 only

Assignment of In Progress form is available for Spring 2020 only:

Instructor’s submitting an IP grade for ‘hard to convert’ classes must use the Assignment of In Progress form rather than input the grades into the online grade sheet.  The form is available under the FACULTY FORMS section, and should be submitted through the mySDCCD Help Center.

If you are submitting some IP grades and some letter grades, please enter all student grades on the Assignment of In Progress form for manual processing.

Important Spring Date Changes (College)

  • Last day of Spring 2020 was June 1, 2020

  • Grade submission Deadline is now June 30, 2020 (moved from June 12, 2020)

    • Faculty are encouraged to post Spring grades as soon as possible as students are sending transcripts to transfer institutions and need for prerequisites for Summer 2020 (begins June 3, 2020) and Fall registration which begins June 22, 2020

    • Faculty are also encouraged to consider student’s coursework as In Progress “IP” (hard to convert courses) that cannot be completed by June 30, 2020.

    • Faculty may use the Assignment of Incomplete Grade form to any student who has unfinished coursework after June 30, 2020 which will be made up within one year

  • The Assignment of In Progress (IP) form may contain BOTH graded students as well as IP grades. Faculty should enter grades or IP in the column provided

  • Students requesting an EW at the end of the semester should be directed to complete an EW Petition available online:

Important Summer Dates (College)

May 20 – June 20, 2020
Summer Financial Aid Bookstore Accounts Accessible Online For Eligible Students

June 3, 2020
Summer 2020 Begins

June 8, 2020
Summer First 8-Week Session Begins

June 15, 2020
Summer Second 8-week Session Begins


Important Fall Dates (College)

June 8, 2020
Fall 2020 Schedule of Classes visible online

June 10, 2020
Fall 2020 TAOs available

June 17, 2020
Fall 2020 enrollment appointments viewable by students

June 22, 2020
Registration by appointment

July 15, 2020
Open Enrollment


Important Summer Dates (Continuing Education)

May 4, 2020
Summer 2020 Schedule of Class visible online

May 4, 2020
Summer 2020 online application begins

May 4, 2020

Summer 2020 pre-registration begins for all Vocational Certificate programs and HS Diploma program

June 8, 2020
Summer 2020 semester begins

June 15, 2020
Summer 2020 pre-registration begins for DSPS, Older Adult and Stand-Alone classes (1-3 day class sessions)

August 22, 2020
Summer 2020 semester ends


Important Fall Dates (Continuing Education)

August 10, 2020
Fall 2020 TAOs available

Fall 2020 Schedule of Class visible online

Fall 2020 online application begins

Fall 2020 pre-registration begins

September 8, 2020
Fall 2020 semester begins

Online Forms Process for Students and Faculty

Student Forms:

  • High School Students may submit a Change of High School Graduation Status upon Graduation

  • High School students attending college classes at City, Mesa or Miramar College may now complete an electronic version of the form: Supplemental Application and Certification of Special Part-Time/Joint Diploma High School Student. Complete instructions can be found here

  • Financial Aid students are now able to submit requested verification items through the mySDCCD Help Center to help complete their financial aid applications.  More information will be forthcoming here:

Faculty Forms:


  • College faculty using Zoom video conferencing through Canvas must have their email set as their preferred email address in Campus Solutions since it was used to set up your Zoom educational account. If your preferred email address is not your sdccd email, file a help ticket here

  • CCCApply update (including Spanish version of the application) has been delayed by the state due to COVID-19. More updates to follow

  • Per AB 1504, the Student Representation Fee has changed from $1.00 to $2.00 for Summer 2020. The $1.00 increase will go to the Student Senate of the California Community Colleges (SSCCC), the statewide community college student organization

  • The colleges received over 8000 applications from students requesting emergency funding due to the impact of COVID-19. To date, approximately 4,750 CARES Act Grants, ranging from $300 to $500, have been awarded to students districtwide, with refunds processed in the amount of $1.9M+

  • The Direct Deposit implementation will go live for financial aid students within the next few weeks. More details will be shared as processes are finalized

 Continuing Education

The programming correction is under way. It should be corrected by the end of June

  • CE faculty using Zoom video conferencing through Canvas must have their email set as their preferred email address in Campus Solutions since it was used to set up your Zoom educational account. If your preferred email address is not your sdccd email, file a help ticket here





Please contact

Query Request Form

Please check this website for status updates

Make sure you are logging in to
SDCCD Canvas Help Desk (619)388-3810

New online faculty directory created by Student Services at

Check out the faculty training videos

Go to the MySDCCD Training Hub for "How to Guides"

Be sure to contact the Student Services Support Center





SPRING 2020 - As of March 2nd 2020:

  • 14,886 students are enrolled at City College in 1,454 sections

  • 20,571 students are enrolled at Mesa College in 2,177 sections

  • 14,128 students are enrolled at Miramar College in 1,198 sections


Change to Class Search Important Deadlines Page

The Pass/No Pass Deadline has been modified to only display for classes with a Pass/No Pass option.  This date shows on the online class schedule as well as the student schedule under Important Deadlines.


Example – Grade Only 


Example – Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass Option



  • Co-requisite Courses – Campus Solutions requires that co-requisite course be concurrently enrolled (or prior completion).  Faculty teaching co-requisite courses should be mindful that if they are dropping a student from a co-requisite course, the co-requisite must also be dropped.  Since many of these “pairs” are taught by different instructors, co-requisite drops must be processed manually via the Records office on campus

  • Students were sent a series of emails in January and February notifying them of the payment plan option and that holds would be placed on their record if payment was not received by March12, 2020. 


Registration holds will resume being placed on student records for outstanding fees beginning March 13,2020.  The overdue balance service indicator/hold (B41) will be placed on student accounts daily.  This will prevent students from adding additional classes and will hold the awarding of a degree/certificate.  It will not prevent students from dropping classes.  


Campus Solutions will automatically remove overdue balance service indicators/holds (B41) upon payment.  Students may contact Student Accounting during business hours to remove the hold immediately.  


The following student populations will be exempt and will not receive a B41 overdue balance service indicator/hold:

  • Financial Aid students with anticipated aid on their account

  • Students enrolled in a payment plan, where the last installment date has not passed (Fall 2019 - 06/20/2020; Spring 2020 - 04/19/2020)

  • San Diego Promise students

  • Veterans students (Chapter 31 Vocational Rehab & Chapter 33 Post 9/11)

  • The 2019 1098-T Tax form was mailed to eligible students (who did not consent to “Electronic” delivery of the form) on Friday, January 31, 2020. Eligible students who selected “Electronic” delivery of their 1098-T tax form can now download their 2019 1098-T Tax form at mySDCCD. Instructions on how to download the 1098-T Tax form were e-mailed to students Friday, January 31, 2020 to those who granted “Electronic” consent.  The 1098-T Tax form is a tuition statement that may be used by students or parents to claim the American opportunity tax credit or Lifetime Learning Credit on their federal income tax returns. 


For more information, please view our FAQs



Continuing Education

  • Students who are current college (UGRD) students are not able to apply/enroll online for Continuing Education classes and must be manually enrolled.  The programming correction has been made and the team is actively testing.  It should be corrected this month.

  • Campus Solutions was erroneously awarding Program Certificates to Continuing Education students.  The automated process was stopped and the student records corrected.  The change in programming has been made and the team is actively testing.  It should be corrected by 03/13/2020.


Please contact

Query Request Form

Please check this website for status updates

Make sure you are logging in to
SDCCD Canvas Help Desk (619)388-3810

New online faculty directory created by Student Services at

Check out the faculty training videos


Go to the MySDCCD Training Hub for "How to Guides"


Be sure to contact the Student Services Support Center