Administrative Reinstatement into a Withdrawn Course

Administrative Reinstatement into a Withdrawn Course

Business Process:

Module: Student Records 


This process allows a student to be re-enrolled in course when they have been withdrawn.  This is a two-step process of first, removing the grade, and then changing the grading basis. If the grading basis is not changed, the instructor will not be able to grade the student.

If the student has been dropped from the course (no grade mark showing), the student will need to be added back into the course.  See the “Quick Enroll a Student” job aid for instructions.


Navigate to → Records and Enrollment → Enroll Students → Quick Enroll Student

Enter the following information:

  • Student ID number
  • Academic Career—select the appropriate Academic Career.
  • Term—the term in which the enrollment needs to change.

Click Add


 Click on the drop down menu under Action and select the Remove Grade option.

Enter the Class Number in the Class Nbr box.  If you do not know the Class Number, click on the magnifying glass and check the box for the class you are working on. The page will automatically revert back to the Quick Enrollment main page. 


Click Submit.

The wording “Pending” will display until enrollment action is complete.

NOTE: Clicking Save does not process the action.

4.Status will change from Pending to Success.


On the same page, under the same enrollment request ID, click the plus sign to add a row.


Click on the drop down menu under Action and select Normal Maintenance.

Enter the Class Number in the Class Nbr box. 


On the Class Override tab, check the box for Grading Basis.


On the Units and Grade tab, click on the magnifying glass in the Grade Base column to select the grading basis.

NOTE:  If you don’t know the original grading basis for this class, click on the class name and review the class information/details or search for the original enrollment details on the enrollment request search page. 

Click Submit.

9.You have successfully reinstated an individual into a Withdrawn Course.
End of Job Aid.