High School Special Part-Time/Joint Diploma Process

High School Special Part-Time/Joint Diploma Process

The following outlines the process to intake and process supplemental application forms online through JIRA’s service desk system. 


 Forms will be processed in the following manner:


Students and Parents (if applicable) will fill out the online form and attach a completed version of the form.  Students will be required to input in their full name in lieu of a “wet signature.”

Once they are submitted, they will be sent to the high school principal or designee for review, and if approved sent to the colleges for their review.


College Staff that reviews and processes forms will use the Forms Dashboard, accessed at: http://bit.ly/sdccdformsdashboard

Users will be required to login with their appropriate college shared login information


You will be taken to your forms queue called “Deviniti Queue” (note: colleges should only see forms submitted to them) and the various statuses they may be in.

For high school forms, two additional queues were created:

  • A&R HS Sup App Needs Review - Applications that were submitted for high schools not yet automated, will need to manually enter in the principal or designee (see step 5 to 7)

  • A&R HS Sup Application Queue - These apps have been approved by the principal or designee and needs review by the college before being processed (see step 8).



Status Definitions:

  • NOT STARTED​ - Form has been submitted but not viewed by the college [Forms Queue]

  • high school review - Form is being reviewed by the high school principal or designee. [Forms Queue]

    • If the high school designee is not setup, they will be found in your “Needs Review” queue.

  • College review - High school form has been approved and will need review by the college liaison.

  • waiting for response - Clarification or additional info is needed from the student, student has not yet replied [Forms Queue]

  • response received - Student has responded and feedback is ready for review by staff [Forms Queue]

  • process - High school form is approved and is ready for registration [Pending Approval Queue]

  • done - Form has been processed and is considered completed. Students are notified of this step [Processed Forms Queue]

  • canceled - Form is invalid, or denied. [Denied Queue]


If you see any applications in your A&R HS Sup App Needs Review queue then it requires you to manually assign the principal or designee as the “Approver”.


When you click on the application, you should notice that the status reads “High School Review” along with a statement indicating that “Add 1 approver.” This means that in order for this form to be processed it needs to be approved by the high school but the system does not know who. To see the reason why, look on the right side column and scroll down to the High School section:

This can be do to either:

  • An unlisted high school was added

  • Student indicated they are homeschooled

  • High school has not yet been automated



If the high school is known but not yet automated, or not yet listed, you can consult your internal documents or use the Google Sheet that lists regional feeder high schools:


Follow these steps:

  1. First try to manually enter the name, if it does not show, try their email address. If no matches found you will need to manually add it:

  2. Click on “Customers” in the left hand navigation and then click on “Add Customers” to the right:


  3. Type in their email address and hit next (you can add multiple email addresses). It should appear just underneath. Then add them to an appropriate organization (e.g. SDUSD, GUHSD) and click on “Add”


  4. This will send them an invite email. At this point you can now add them as an “Approver” on the high school form. Go back to the application:

  5. And manually type in the email address you just entered. You should now see a match:


  6. Then you should see the status change to “1 approval needed”


  7. You’re done! Now just wait for the form to be approved.


Once a form is approved by the high school principal or designee. It will show in your A&R HS Sup Application Queue this is where you will verify the student’s eligibility and that the appropriate documentation is there.

As per your usual business process you will:

  1. Check the ID number matches the student name.

  2. Form is complete (most information will be on the right side column)

  3. Form is signed by the authorized personnel:


  4. Any other requirements.



Like previous forms you will have several options:

  • If no changes are needed and the form is fine for processing, click on “Approved → Process”

  • If there was feedback from the principal or follow-up is needed, just type in a comment and click on “Reply to Customer” and it will send an email and change the status automatically to “Waiting for Response”

  • If you need to make a change based on the principal’s comment you can just manually change it by clicking on the field and typing in the value (e.g. Class Number needs to be changed, or Different Subject)

    Click on field

    Hit check box or enter

  • Finally you can cancel/deny the form if they do not qualify. Please be sure to enter in a “Reply to customer” comment indicating the reason why.


Once approved, it will be placed in the original “A&R Forms to Be Processed” queue


To facilitate processing, these forms will appear in your college’s Google Docs queue.

This list will be updated hourly. Once you register the student in the class, you will need to manually flag the form as “Complete” in JIRA


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