Adding/Updating Majors on CCCApply

Adding/Updating Majors on CCCApply




Business ProcessAdmissions, CCCApply
DescriptionThis tutorial walks you through the steps needed to add/update majors in CCCApply


Adding a Major


Open up a web browser and visit: https://sdccd.openccc.net/admin or click on this link: CCCApply Control Center (PROD)

Once you login, click on "Applications" and then "CCCApply Administrator"


Once you go to the application admin page, make sure you pick the right college first then click on "Majors"


Here you have three options.  To add a major click Add Major to display the Add Major for <Your College> dialog box where you can define the major.


Enter and select values in the available fields to define the major. Use the following best practices when entering/selecting values in the Add Major dialog box.

Click Save to display the new major in the Majors table. Your newly-created major will display in the CCCApply and/or International application environment in which you’re working (Pilot or Production) in the Intended Major or Program of Study drop-down list as long as the current date is between major’s configured Major Start Date and Major End Date


Please see field definitions below:


Best Practice

Major Description

Enter your college’s description for a particular major, in 100 characters or less. 

The text you enter here displays in the Intended Major or Program of Study drop-down list that appears on the Enrollment Information tab of the CCCApply or International application(s). The majors display in alphabetical order regardless of the order you add or import your majors in the CCCApply Administrator.

Major Code

Enter your college’s code for the major, up to 30 characters.

The Major Code cannot be edited once it is added or imported to the major table and saved as a record.

Major Start Date

Enter the date when this major will start being available for selection by an applicant in either the CCCApply or International application(s)’ Intended Major or Program of Study drop-down list.

Major End Date

Enter the date in which this major will no longer be available for selection by an applicant in either the CCCApply or International application(s)’ Intended Major or Program of Study drop-down list. For a major to appear in the application’s drop-down list, the current date must be between ‘major:date_start’ and ‘major: date_end’ (inclusive).

If you do not want to end-date your major, you must select the Major has no end date check box.

Major has no end date check box

Select this check box if the major will have no end date. When this check box is selected, the Major End Date field becomes hidden.

TOP Code

Using this field is OPTIONAL: Enter the major’s six-character Taxonomy of Programs (TOP) code from the CCCCO (Chancellor’s Office). See Understanding TOP Codesfor more details.

(warning) The TOP Code is NOT a required field and is not part of the Download file.

Program Control #

Using this field is OPTIONAL: Enter the unique code for every major or program of study from the Chancellor’s office. May be used to identify CCCCO Program Control Number.

(warning) The Program Control # is NOT a required field and is not part of the Download file.

Application Type

You can select an option from the Application Type drop-down list so that the major you are configuring will display in only the Standard application, Noncredit application, or both.


Using this field is OPTIONAL: Major categories can be added, edited or removed by the college to filter or group their list of majors that appear in the CCCApply applications. Major categories are customized by each college.

The new, optional Major Categories field allows you to align as many custom categories to a single major so that students are guided systematically to their educational goals. The values you enter in the Categories field for a major display in the Major Category drop-down list in the CCCApply and/or International applications, and affect which majors display in the Intended Major or Program of Study drop-down list.

(warning) When you configure the Categories field for a major, students will be required to select a Major Category in the application.

(warning) Important: If you choose to implement major categories you must configure every major with at least one category.

The Major Category field only displays in the CCCApply and/or International application when you have configured one major with a Categories field value(s).

When you enter a value in the optional Categories field for a major you must press the Enter key in order for your entries to be accepted (and then displayed beneath the Categories field).

  • You can enter multiple category values (pressing Enter after each entry) for the major. There is no limit to the number of categories you can add here..
  • Each Categories value has a limit of 100 characters.
  • Click the “x” icon for any added category to remove it.

CIP Code

Using this field is OPTIONAL field.  If you choose to populate the CIP Code field, enter the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code.

Award Type drop-down list

REQUIRED. Select the optional award type that the major aligns to from the Award Type drop-down list.

Editing a Major

Use the following steps to edit a major:

  1. Select the Edit icon on the row for the major that you want to edit.  

    This displays the Edit Major dialog box.

  2. Make your edits and click Save to close the Edit Major dialog box and return focus to the Majors table.

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