How to verify/update your address






Business Process

Verifying and Updating your address


Students must have access to mySDCCD and be logged in


This tutorial will walk you through the steps to update your address, phone and/or email.


  1. Login to and click on the "College Student Dashboard"


  2. You can either click on "My Personal Information" in the left side navigation, or "Personal Information" in the Student Quicklinks:


  3. You should be taken to your personal information page and immediately see the address(es) we have on file.  If the address(es) listed is correct, no further action is needed. Otherwise proceed to step 4.


  4. If you see an address that is incorrect you can update your mailing or home address by clicking on the red pencil icon:


  5. Alternatively, if you need to add a "Mail" address click on "Add a new address":

  6. Enter in your address information, and then click on "Ok" to enter your changes.


  7. Next, please check which address type.  Note: Items mailed to you, including financial aid checks, will be sent to the "mail" address type we have on file.  Be sure to enter in the date the changes should take effect.  It will default with today's date.


  8. Finally click on Save.  When processed you should see a "The Save was successful" message.

  9. You should now see the updated address.

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