Permission Numbers (Add Codes)

Permission Numbers (Add Codes)


Faculty must have an active classroom assignment in a current or future term; and permission numbers are administratively generated.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. When are permission numbers available to instructors?

    1. Special admissions programs like Cosmetology (COSM), Allied Health (ALLH), and Veterinary and Animal Health (VTAH) - 4 weeks before the term opening day. 

      1. Fall 2022 - July 31, 2022

      2. Spring 2023 - January 1, 2023 (includes intersession and spring classes)

      3. Summer 2023 - May 14, 2023

      4. Fall 2023 - August 1, 2023

    2. All other classes - the weekend before the term opening day. 

      1. Fall 2022 - August 21, 2022

      2. Spring 2023 - January 1, 2023 (includes intersession and spring classes)

      3. Summer 2023 - June 4, 2023

      4. Fall 2023 - August 20, 2023

  2. Why don't I see permission numbers for my class?

    1. If your class is not part of a special admissions program then it may be too early for you to see the permission numbers.

    2. Your class was created after the term opening day.

  3. Who do I contact if I need permission numbers created or need additional permission numbers?

    1. Please contact your school or department's Administrative Assistant.


This Job Aid will go over the process for faculty to access Permission Numbers (Add Codes) in their College Faculty Dashboard.






Begin by logging into mySDCCD with your 10-digit Employee/User ID and password. Click the Sign In button.


After logging in, click on the College Faculty Dashboard tile.


On the College Faculty Schedule pagelet:

A. Select the current Semester tab

B. Click on the Class Number to see all menu options 

C. Click on Permission Numbers


You will be directed to the Permission Numbers (Add Codes) tab


The default view is set to display 5 permission numbers at a time.

To see all permission numbers for your class, click the View All link to expand the display


  • A student’s ID number and Name will appear in the ID and Name fields when a permission number code is used by the student.

  • Permission numbers can vary between 5 to 6 digits. They can be issued to students as is.


OPTIONAL - Instructors can use the Comments field to track which permission number was issued to which student. If a student name is entered, make sure to click the Save button


End of Job Aid. 

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