AP 4225 - Course Repetition

AP 4225 - Course Repetition



Administrative Procedures

Chapter 4 - Academic Affairs

AP 4225 - Course Repetition

This procedure implements Board of Trustees Policy, BP 4225, Course Repetition and Grade Alleviation, concerning repetition of a course in which a previous grade or symbol has been received as noted on the official academic record.


a. Standard Academic Work – Coursework for which the grading symbols of A, B, C, or P have been recorded.

b. Substandard Academic Work – Coursework for which the grading symbols of D, F, or NP have been recorded.

c. Repeatable Course – A course that can be repeated one or more times as identified in the college catalog and the official course outline.

d. Non-repeatable Course – A course not identified in the college catalog and the official course outline as repeatable.

e. Course Repetition – When a student who has previously received an evaluative symbol in a particular course re-enrolls in that course.

f. Grade Alleviation – Repeating a course where a substandard grade was recorded in an effort to have the previous grade and credit disregarded from the computation of a student’s grade point average.


a. Any non-repeatable course in which a substandard grade D, F, or NP has been earned may be repeated a maximum of two times only for grade alleviation. The previous grade and credit will be disregarded in computation of the student’s grade point average, even if the previous grade was higher.

b. A course in which a grade of C or better was received may not be repeated unless such repetition is provided for in the official course description, by a recognizable extenuating circumstance as described below, or by District policy.

1) Recognized extenuating circumstances are based on a statewide Executive Order, in which the requirements in Title 5, Section 55045 are suspended for a period of time. Students enrolled in courses during a recognized extenuating circumstance can petition to have their grade removed from their grade point average (GPA), and able to repeat the course at their will.

c. Grade alleviation recorded by other accredited institutions will be honored under the terms of District policy.

d. When courses are repeated under this procedure, the student’s permanent academic record shall clearly indicate any courses repeated and be annotated in such a manner that the record of all work remains legible, ensuring a true and complete academic record.

e. Recalculation of the grade point average as a result of grade alleviation may be used toward qualification for graduation with honors.

f. Courses such as independent study and work experience are not considered “the same” for purposes of this policy.

g. Course repetition will not be allowed once a student has:

1) Earned three transcript symbols in the same course;

2) Earned a standard grade, except as otherwise specified in District policy; or

3) Reached the maximum allowable repetitions for a course.

h. A student will not be allowed to enroll in two sections of the same course with overlapping meeting dates.


a. Students may repeat courses based only on the following conditions:

1) Alleviate Substandard Academic Work – A student may repeat a course in an effort to alleviate substandard academic work a maximum of two times. The previous grade and credit will be disregarded in computation of the student’s grade point average.

2) Legally Mandated Training Requirement – A student may repeat a course any number of times as required to meet a legally mandated training requirement as a condition of continued paid or volunteer employment. The grade and credit will be included in the student’s grade point average each time the course is taken.

3) Disabled Student as part of a Disability-Related Accommodation – A student may repeat a special class for students with disabilities any number of times as required as a disability-related accommodation. The grade and credit will be included in the student’s grade point average each time the course is taken.

b. Students may petition for approval to repeat courses that meet the following criteria:

1) Courses for which repetition is necessary to meet the major requirements of California State University (CSU), or University of California (UC) for completion of a bachelor’s degree;

2) Intercollegiate athletics courses; and

3) Intercollegiate academic or vocational competition courses. Such course may be repeated no more than four (4) times for semester courses.

c. Exceptions to the repetition conditions may be approved only based upon one of the following conditions:

1) Extenuating Circumstances – A student may petition to repeat a course where a previous standard or substandard grade was earned, one time, for extenuating circumstances based upon extreme cases of documented, verifiable circumstances beyond the student’s control.

2) Significant Lapse of Time – A student may repeat a course, one time, where a standard grade was earned if the District has established a recency prerequisite or if there is a documented recency requirement at an institution where the student is transferring. The grade and credit will be disregarded in the student’s grade point average.

d. Course Related in Content

Additional enrollment limits have been placed on certain types of active participatory courses that are related in content in the areas of exercise science, visual arts, and performing arts. Students are limited to four (4) aggregate semester enrollments in courses that are related in content. Groups of courses that fall within these categories are listed on the District website.

In specific cases in which the CSU/UC major preparation unit requirement can be attained only by enrolling more than four times in courses related in content, students are permitted the number of enrollments necessary to reach the unit requirement. When this exemption is invoked, the excess enrollments are not recorded for apportionment.


a. Grade alleviation is automatically applied for the first two instances in which a substandard grade was received within the San Diego Community College District.

b. If a repeated course was completed at another institution, a request for grade alleviation is initiated by filing the Petition for Academic Renewal by Course Repetition in the College Evaluations Office.

c. A student may petition to use either of the previous substandard grades for graduation or GE certification purposes. If approved, both grades will be computed into the grade point average. Once the petition is approved, the action is not reversible.



Title 5, Section 55040-55046

Approved by the Chancellor:

June 28, 2023

Supersedes: AP 3910.2 – 06/06/78; 05/08/09; 04/13/10; 09/18/12; 05/14/20; (Renumbered AP 4225)

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