AP 4103 - Cooperative Work Experience Education
Administrative Procedures
Chapter 4 - Academic Affairs
AP 4103 - Cooperative Work Experience Education
The District is committed to offering a Cooperative Work Experience Education program that offers students opportunities to earn credits for on-the-job learning experiences. This procedure outlines the required program components of Cooperative Work Experience Education programs at City, Mesa, and Miramar Colleges. Districtwide Plan: The district shall maintain a districtwide plan according to title 5, article 4, section 55250.
1. The plan shall include:
a. District responsibilities: District Instructional Services, college deans’ offices, work experience coordinators, and work experience instructors.
b. Student qualifications, eligibility requirements, responsibilities, and guidelines for special student populations.
c. Employer responsibilities: job learning stations, work experience site supervisors, consultations, and site visit requirements and alternatives.
d. Types of work experience education, including credits per unit for paid and unpaid hours and grading criteria.
e. Provision of adequate clerical and instructional services.
f. Minimum required content for the District work experience handbooks.
2. The plan will also address:
a. Districtwide Forms: Student, site supervisor/employer, and faculty forms will be consistent across City, Mesa, and Miramar Colleges. District Instructional Services will manage the update process for all forms.
b. Districtwide Handbooks: Two handbooks, a faculty/staff handbook, and a student handbook, will be maintained by District Instructional Services for the district colleges that utilize them.
c. Process Management: District Instructional Services will regularly convene work experience deans and work experience coordinators from City, Mesa, and Miramar Colleges to address operations (handbooks, forms, administrative procedures, and risk management) and title 5 compliance for Cooperative Work Experience Education.
Education Code Section 78249; Title 5 Sections 55250 et seq.
Approved by the Chancellor:
September 22, 2023
New Procedure