AP 4227 - Repeatable Courses

AP 4227 - Repeatable Courses



Administrative Procedures

Chapter 4 - Academic Affairs

AP 4227 - Repeatable Courses

This procedure is legally required in conjunction with Administrative Procedure, AP 4225, Course Repetition, and is intended to implement the Board of Trustees Policy, BP 4225, Course Repetition and Grade Alleviation, concerning repetition of a course in which a previous grade or symbol has been received as noted on the official academic record.

1. Only the following types of courses may be designated as repeatable, which the District must identify and designate such repeatable courses in its catalog:

a. Courses for which repetition is necessary to meet the major requirements of California State University (CSU), or University of California (UC) for completion of a bachelor’s degree;

b. Intercollegiate athletics courses; and

c. Intercollegiate academic or vocational competition courses. Such courses may be repeated no more than four (4) times for semester courses.

2. Under special circumstances, students may repeat courses in which a C or better was earned:

a. Students may repeat a course when repetition is necessary to enable that student to meet a legally mandated training requirement as a condition of volunteer or continued paid employment. Students can repeat such courses any number of times.

b. Students may petition to repeat a course as a result of a significant change in industry or licensure standards such that repetition of the course is necessary for the student’s employment or licensure. Students can repeat such courses any number of times.

c. Students may enroll in activity courses in physical education, visual arts, or performing arts. Such courses may not be repeated for more than four semesters. This limit applied even if the student received a substandard grade or “W” during one or more enrollment or if a student petitions for repetition due to extenuating circumstances.

d. Students with disabilities may repeat a special class for students with disabilities any number of times when an individualized determination verifies that such repetition is required as a disability-related accommodation for the student for one of the reasons specified in Title 5 Section 56029.

e. Students may repeat a cooperative work experience program any number of times as long as they do not exceed the limit on the number of units cooperative work experience set for in Title 5 Section 55253(a); however, the grade received by the student each time will be included in calculations of the student’s grade point average.


Title 5 Section 55253 - 56029

Approve by the Chancellor:

June 28, 2023


AP 4227 – New Procedure

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