AP 4300 - Field Trips and Excursions
Administrative Procedures
Chapter 5 - Student Services
AP 4300 - Field Trips and Excursions
This procedure implements Board of Trustees Policy, BP 4300, Field Trips and Excursions, and prescribes the authorization documents required when off-campus student activities are undertaken as part of any District program. All travel in which transporting students is required, or when supervising students off the premises of the District, waivers, releases and permission documents must be finalized and approved prior to the activity. Additional requirements concerning student travel are applicable as enumerated in District policies and procedures, the Student Travel Guidelines, and state and federal law.
Required off-campus activities: Activities which replace regularly scheduled on-campus sessions and are an integral part of the instructional program. All students are expected to attend the scheduled off-campus activity since it is part of the regularly scheduled class time.
Optional off-campus activities: Activities that are convened off-campus but are not required as part of an educational program.
Co-curricular activities: Travel related to the instructional program, which includes, but is not limited to student leadership, athletics, speech and debate, journalism and dramatic/performing arts.
Voluntary activities: Activities or events off premises of the District which are not an integral part of District programs. Voluntary activities are neither approved nor sponsored by the District.
Travel Studies
International travel: Travel outside the United States, including study abroad.
Required off-campus activities must meet all of the following conditions:
The activity must have a direct relationship to the instructional program and demonstrate a benefit greater than could be achieved in a classroom activity.
The learning experience is not conveniently available to students outside class time.
Adequate preparation or orientation shall be provided in advance of travel.
The activity shall be scheduled, insofar as possible, to avoid requiring that students be absent from other classes.
The requirement for the activity shall be specified in the catalog course description and course syllabi.
Overnight trips or trips outside California shall be individually approved in advance by the Board of Trustees, and must comply with all out-of-state travel restrictions listed herein. The Chancellor, or designee, may approve travel within California that does not include an overnight stay.
District vehicles, including contract carriers, may be used to provide transportation and expenses for transportation/use of District vehicles and may be paid from District funds which have been budgeted for this purpose.
No expenses for students, other than transportation, may be paid from District funds (e.g., entry fees, food, lodging, etc.) unless approved by the Board.
Required off-campus activities shall not be authorized if any student cannot participate because of lack of funds or if the activity is not accessible to persons with disabilities.
The necessary expenses of District employees may be paid from District budgeted funds (see Board of Trustees Policy, BP 6310, Travel).
Optional off-campus activities:
The visit shall not be during, nor may it replace, a regularly scheduled class session.
The activity shall be scheduled, insofar as possible, to avoid requiring that students be absent from other classes.
Students are encouraged but shall not be required to attend. Students unable to attend due to finances or access shall be provided an alternate enrichment option to the extent feasible.
No penalty for nonattendance may be reflected in the course grade, nor may any student be held accountable in any way for the learning experience which would have been gained through attendance.
The activity need not be specified in the catalog course description.
Overnight trips or trips outside California shall be individually approved in advance by the Board of Trustees, and must comply with all out-of-state travel restrictions listed herein. The Chancellor or designee may approve travel within California that does not include an overnight stay.
District vehicles, including contract carriers, may be used to provide transportation, and expenses for transportation/use of District vehicles may be paid from District funds which have been budgeted for this purpose.
No expenses for students, other than transportation, may be paid from District funds; e.g., entry fees, food, lodging, etc., unless approved by the Board.
The necessary expenses of District employees may be paid from District budgeted funds (see Board of Trustees Policy, BP 6310, Travel).
Activities that are scheduled by season (e.g. intercollegiate athletics, speech and debate, etc.) are generally approved by the Board of Trustees with the blanket resolution, reviewed annually, authorizing the activity, advanced payment, and travel. In this case, no further approval is required.
Individual activities not preapproved (as part of 2.a above) must be approved individually, in advance, and processed as described herein.
Participation shall be approved in advance by the Board of Trustees.
Students of the District shall be active participants in the activity or event.
The activity or event is an extension of classroom instruction or related community college programs.
Travel need not be considered an integral part of the completion of a course.
The payment of all necessary expenses of students and employees participating in co-curricular activities is a proper expenditure of District funds which are budgeted for that purpose.
No penalty for nonattendance may be reflected in the course grade, nor may any student be held accountable in any way for the learning experience which would have been gained through attendance.
Associated Students activities involving field trips or excursions are those activities which are approved by the local student organization. Costs, if any, are charged against Associated Students' funds. Such activities are authorized by the Board under the following conditions:
Activities and travel inside the State of California that does not include an overnight stay, must be approved in advance by the administrator responsible for Student Affairs.
Activities and travel outside the State of California, and travel within California that includes an overnight stay must be approved in advance by the Board of Trustees, and comply with all travel restrictions listed herein.
Approval Process - The appropriate student body official prepares the Request/ Authorization to Conduct Off-Campus Student Activity, referencing the date, time and authorizing body/officer and submits to the Dean of Student Affairs.
Activities include visits to museums, art galleries, libraries and other public places and involvement in community service activities.Activities that are neither approved nor sponsored by the District.
The District/college name, logo or affiliation may not be used for purposes of promotion of the event.
District general funds may not be used for participation in the activity or event.
The District recognizes that international travel/study abroad and other opportunities are an integral part of the academic program.All students who travel internationally as part of a study abroad program or other international activity must adhere to the District Student Code of Conduct and all applicable state and federal laws at all times. Students are also expected to adhere to the laws, regulations and policies of the host country and educational institution.
All student travel outside of the United States requires prior approval of the Board of Trustees.
Faculty member conducting field trip or excursion shall:
Ensure requirements are specified in the course description and syllabus;
Complete Request/Authorization to Conduct Off-Campus Student Activity Form, available online, and on campus in the Vice President of Instruction and Vice President of Student Services offices;
Submit the completed form to the school or program dean; and
Ensure the required field trip or excursion is structured in compliance with the provision of Board of Trustees Policy, BP 4300, Field Trips and Excursions.
Approval Process – The school or program dean shall:
Review the off-campus activity request to determine if it complies with all requirements for a required field trip or excursion as enumerated in Board of Trustees Policy, BP 4300, Field Trips and Excursions.
If Board approval is required, prepare a Board agenda item for the President’s signature, and subsequent Board of Trustees consideration. All student travel must receive Board approval in advance of travel.
Notify faculty once approved.
Advise faculty of the requirements for transporting students as outlined in Board of Trustees Policy, BP 4300, Field Trips and Excursions, as well as the Student Travel Guidelines, which includes the Advisor Travel Guidelines: Faculty and Staff Chaperoning Student Travel available in the Dean of Student Affair’s office/online.
Ensure that minor release forms are completed and on file, as appropriate.
Coordinate required processing for necessary funds.
When transportation of student is not provided by the SDCCD, the District possesses no authority to supervise its mode, manner, or arrangement and any “provider liability” accrued in accordance with law to the provider of said transportation.
Students who use private modes of transportation are deemed to have accepted liability for injury or damages which may result from, or in the course of, said transportation. He/She/They may be required to sign a statement affirming the condition of their election of private transportation and agreement affirming the condition of their election of private transportation and agreeing to hold harmless the District for any claim whatsoever resulting from their transportation.
When transportation is undertaken by the District using District-owned vehicles or contracted carriers, the District shall assure reasonable supervision and adequate liability insurance protection for purposes of such transportation.
Students may elect not to use District-provided transportation except where the supervising District official determines that transportation of the participating students, as a unit, is a requirement of the activity.
Students who elect to use private modes of transportation where transportation is provided by the District, are deemed to have accepted liability for injury or damages which may result from, or in the course of, said transportation. He/She/They shall be required to sign a statement affirming the conditions of their election of private transportation and agreeing to hold harmless the District for any claim whatsoever resulting from their transportation.
District employees are not permitted to use their private vehicles to transport students, except in the event of an emergency where student safety would be in jeopardy. Employees who transport students in their private vehicles shall be deemed to be acting outside the scopes of their employment, and in this regard, shall accrue any and all liability for damages or injury resulting from their providing of transportation.
Students are not authorized to secure a rental vehicle as part of their travel.
All travel in which transporting students is required, or when supervising students off the premises of the District, waivers, releases and permission documents must be finalized and approved prior to the activity.All student who are authorized to travel in accordance with Board of Trustees Policy, BP 4300, Field Trips and Excursions, must complete the Student Travel, Permission/Release/Waiver form, in advance, to travel.
Minor students (under 18 years of age) must also complete a Minor (Under 18) Student Travel Permission/Release/Waiver form.
The Dean/District supervising employee shall:
Assure that the appropriate forms, as specified above, are completed for each travel; and
Send completed forms to the responsible Dean/District supervising employee.
The Dean responsible for travel/District supervising employee shall establish and maintain a file of completed forms. Forms should be maintained for one year following the event.
Government Code Section §11139.8
Approved by the Chancellor:
April 18, 2022
Formerly 3120.2 – 10/14/98, 02/02/12; 11/28/16; (Merged with 3125. 2 & Renumbered AP 4300)