AP 4400 - Community Services Programs

AP 4400 - Community Services Programs



Administrative Procedures

Chapter 4 - Academic Affairs

AP 4400 - Community Services Programs

Community service offerings may be developed by any San Diego Community College District faculty member.

Community service offerings consist of not-for-credit instruction in civic, vocational, literacy, health, family and consumer sciences, technical and general interest courses, including, but not limited to, the fields of visual and performing arts, handicraft, science, literature, nature study, nature contacting, aquatic sports, and athletics. These offerings shall be designed to provide instruction and to contribute to the physical, mental, moral, economic, or civic development of the individuals or groups enrolled therein.

Establishing a Community Service Offering

Minimum Requirements

1. shall be approved by the District Board of Trustees;

2. shall be designed for the physical, mental, moral, economic, or civic development of persons enrolled therein;

3. provide subject matter content, resource materials, and teaching methods which the District Board of Trustees deems appropriate for the enrolled students;

4. shall be conducted in accordance with predetermined strategy or plan; and

5. may not be claimed for apportionment purposes.

Enrollment and Fees

1. community service offerings shall be open for the admission of adults and those minors who in the judgement of the Board of Trustees may benefit from the program;

2. general fund monies may not be expended to establish and maintain community service offerings;

3. students enrolled in community services offerings may be charged a fee not to exceed the cost of maintaining the class;

4. fees shall be retained by the college or Continuing Education in order to fund the faculty, facilities, equipment, etc., required to offer the class; and

5. community service offerings shall adhere to the approved proposal, collective bargaining agreement, and other applicable policies and regulations.


Proposals for community service offerings must be in writing and include the following:

1. a logical, short title for the offering;

2. a description that must appear in all publications, which includes a brief explanation, highlighting the specific topics to be covered;

3. a description of the proposed instructional design (for example, classroom, workshops, excursions, or work skills programs/classes);

a. justification for the proposal which should include:

i) a description of the group(s) that might be interested in or served by the offering;

ii) a description of individual or social benefits;

iii) evidence of economic or social need for the offering.

iv) one or more objectives stating the skills, abilities, or knowledge a student should be able to perform, demonstrate, or apply after successfully completing the offering;

v) methods of Instruction (e.g., lecture, discussion, role-play, class demonstrations, etc.).

vi) methods of evaluation of student learning (e.g., demonstration of skills, certification, examination, or presentation of finished project, etc.);

vii) specific items to be supplied by the offering college or Continuing Education, such as facilities, equipment, or handouts;

viii) materials that would usually be provided by the student, such as textbooks, manuals, or supplies;

ix) total student learning hours, including in class and outside of class;

x) the discipline assignment(s) or other instructor qualifications; and

xi) the offering entity (college).

Approval Process

The community service offerings are proposed using a form which is:

1. Provided by District Curriculum Services Office to the requesting college or Continuing Education department;

2. completed by a discipline faculty member;

3. reviewed and forwarded by the Department Chair;

4. reviewed and forwarded by the School Dean;

5. reviewed and forwarded by the Vice President, Instructional Services;

6. reviewed and approved by the proposing Curriculum Committee;

7. reviewed and approved by the Curriculum and Instructional Council;

8. reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees; and

9. retained by the District Curriculum Services office

Periodic Review and Revision

1. District Curriculum Services shall coordinate with the appropriate departments to ensure approved offerings are reviewed every two years:

a) if the department determines the offering requires no changes, the review shall be marked as complete;

b) if the department proposes revisions, they shall be reviewed and approved according to the process listed above, except that the Curriculum and Instructional Council shall be the final approving body; and

c) if the department chooses to deactivate the offering, it shall inform District Curriculum Services, who shall submit the deactivation to the Board of Trustees for approval.

2. Deactivated offerings shall be retained in the repository as historical records.

3. Reactivations of community service offerings shall follow the approval process listed above.



Education Code Sections 78300 et seq.; Title 5 Sections 55002 and 55160 subdivision (b)


Gregory Smith, Acting Chancellor




New Procedure

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