Ap 4222 - Basic Skills Coursework

Ap 4222 - Basic Skills Coursework



Administrative Procedures

Chapter 4 - Academic Affairs

AP 4222 - Basic Skills Coursework

Basic skills coursework consists of pre-collegiate, non-degree applicable courses.

A student’s need for basic skills coursework shall be determined using appropriate assessment instruments, methods, or procedures.

No student shall receive more than 30 semester units for basic skills coursework. A student who exhausts this unit limitation shall be referred to appropriate noncredit education courses and services. Students enrolled in one or more courses of English as a Second Language and students identified as having a learning disability are exempt from the basic skills unit limitation. No student shall be required to enroll in basic skills English or mathematics coursework that lengthens their time to complete a degree unless placement research that includes consideration of high school grade point average and coursework, shows that those students are highly unlikely to succeed in transfer-level coursework in English and mathematics. A student may be required to enroll in additional concurrent support, including additional language support for English as a Second Language students, during the same semester that they take a transfer-level English or mathematics course if the counselor determines the support will increase their likelihood of passing the transfer-level English or mathematics course. The impact on student financial aid and unit requirements for the degree she be minimized by exploring alternatives including noncredit support options.

Students who demonstrate significant, measurable progress toward the development of skills appropriate to enrollment in college-level courses may petition the Vice President of Student Services for a waiver of the unit limitation on basic skills coursework.

The catalog shall include a clear statement of the limited applicability of basic skills coursework toward fulfilling degree requirements and any exemptions that may apply to this unit limitation.



Education Code Section 78213; Title 5, Section 55035 ACCJC Accreditation Standard II.A.4

Approved by the Chancellor:

September 22, 2022


AP 3002.3 – 11/09/16; (Renumbered AP 4222)

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