AP 4236 - Advanced Placement Credit

AP 4236 - Advanced Placement Credit



Administrative Procedures

Chapter 4 - Academic Affairs

AP 4236 - Advanced Placement Credit

Any student who passes a College Board Advanced Placement (AP) examination with a minimum score of 3 in a subject matter will be awarded credit in a general education area with a subject matter similar to that of the AP examination.

Students who have completed Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations of the College Entrance Examination Board with scores of 3, 4, or 5 may receive credit for each advanced placement course as listed and published in the college catalog Advanced Placement Chart. Students must submit official transcripts from prior colleges and official test scores.

For any AP examination that the District does not offer a course similar in content, the District will award credit in the General Education area shown on the California Community College General Education AP List.  If there is no General Education area that fits the AP Examination, the District may award elective credit.

A student’s academic record will be annotated to reflect credit earned through an AP examination

The District shall post its Advanced Placement Credit procedure on its website.

Applying for Credit for Advanced Placement Credit

1. Student submits a Request for Transcript Evaluation form through the automated petitioning system.

2. The College Evaluations Office verifies that:

a. The official advanced placement score(s) is/are on file;

b. The student must have previous academic history (previously earned credit or noncredit from the District) or currently enrolled in a college in the San Diego Community College District and in good standing;

c. The request falls within the limitations of this policy and procedure; and

d. All official collegiate transcripts are on file.

3. Once verified, the College Evaluations Office forwards the official score report and Request for Transcript Evaluation to the District Evaluations Office.

4. The District Evaluator:

a. Determines the units to be awarded, as published in the college catalog; and

b. Forwards the original documents indicating the units awarded to the District Records Office.

5. The District Records Office:

a. Records the units to the student’s permanent academic record;

b. Images all documents for permanent storage; and

c. Returns the documents to the District Evaluator to record the coursework to the student’s permanent academic record.


1. Credit will be granted within limitations in the college catalog. Departmental approval is required to satisfy major requirements.

2. The units granted may not be used to satisfy the graduation in residence requirement.

3. The units granted will not be counted in the student's current study load.

4. Credit for standardized tests will not be granted if it duplicates any other credit awarded to the student.

5. Processing fees will not be applicable.

6. Only unit credit is granted. No grades will be recorded.

7. Duplicate credit will not be awarded for non-traditional education sources and completed coursework.

8. Credit awarded through credit for prior learning may not be used for grade alleviation.

Course-to-course awarding of AP credit shall be made by the appropriate discipline faculty. Faculty should refer to AP 4235 Credit for Prior Learning and its approval process to propose AP credit be awarded for major requirements for a course in the course catalog.



Education Code Section 79500; Title 5 Section 55052

Approved by the Chancellor:

September 22, 2023


New Procedur

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