AP 4104 - Contract Education

AP 4104 - Contract Education



Administrative Procedures

Chapter 4 - Academic Affairs

AP 4104 - Contract Education

The District may contract for instructional classes to be offered at the request of public or private agencies or groups.

The District may contract to offer instructional classes or services for businesses, nonprofit organizations, public agencies, and/or other groups. These contracted activities shall be selfsupporting and independent of the unrestricted general fund. If the contract covers the full cost of the classes, the classes shall not be submitted for apportionment from the state and are not required to be open to the public. These contracted activities shall not violate any collective bargaining agreements with employee representatives,

The total of all revenues earned from contract education shall be an amount equal to or greater than the actual costs (including administrative costs) incurred in providing contracted services.

Contract Education:

“Contract Education refers to those situations in which the District contracts with a public or private entity for the purposes of the District providing instruction or services or both to such an entity.


Contract fees shall be based on, but not limited to, the following factors:

1. needs and analyses;

2. curriculum development and implementation;

3. supplies, materials, and equipment needs;

4. required qualifications and expertise of the presenter(s) or instructor(s);

5. total hours of instruction or consultation;

6. total hours of staff support and project coordination; and

7. indirect costs.


1. An agreement shall include the following components:

a. Classes being taught and/or services being offered;

b. Length of the contract;

c. Billing cycle; and

d. Fees paid.

2. The proposed agreement is evaluated for feasibility by discipline faculty, instructional administrator, business services office (including information technology), and risk management office using the following criteria (adjust based on question about offering):

a. Congruence with the District’s mission, mandates, and goals;

b. Adherence to the approved course outline of record, collective bargaining agreement, and other applicable policies and regulations for credit and noncredit courses;

c. Measurable and attainable scope, objectives, and outcomes; and

d. Ability to recover the costs of delivering the instruction, including administrative costs, technology costs, supplies, rentals, etc., from revenue generated by the contract.

3. The proposed agreement is approved by one of the following:

a. Chancellor or designee for all District contracts;

b. Foundation Executive Director and Continuing Education President for all Foundation contracts; or

c. College President.


Title 5 Section 55170

Approved by the Chancellor:

September 22, 2023


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