AP 4235 - Credit for Prior Learning

AP 4235 - Credit for Prior Learning



Administrative Procedures

Chapter 4 - Academic Affairs

AP 4235 - Credit for Prior Learning

NOTE:  This procedure is suggested as good practice/optional, but it is legally advised if the Board adopts a policy to allow credit for prior learning.  A District must publish its policies pertaining to credit for prior learning in its college catalog.  A District must also review its credit for prior learning policy every three years and report particular findings specified in Title 5 Section 55050 subdivision (l) to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.  Additionally, a District must certify to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office by December 31, 2020 that it has complied with the requirements of Title 5 Section 55050. 

Credit for Prior Learning may be obtained by one of the following methods: (Colleges must determine appropriate methods.  Colleges must award prior credit for satisfactory completion of International Baccalaureate and College Level Examination Program examinations.  Colleges may award credit for other forms of prior learning, with some common practices listed below.) 

  • Achievement of a score of [ 3 or higher ] on an Advanced Placement Examination administered by the College Entrance Examination Board. 

  • Achievement of a score that qualifies for credit by College Level Examination Program examination. 

  • Achievement of a score that qualifies for credit by International Baccalaureate examination. 

  • Credit by satisfactory completion of an examination administered by the college in lieu of completion of a course listed in the college catalog. 

  • Achievement of an examination administered by other agencies approved by the college.  

  • Assessment approved or conducted by proper authorities of the college. 


Credit may be awarded for prior experience or prior learning only for individually identified courses with subject matter similar to that of the individual’s prior learning, and only for a course listed in the catalog of the community college.  Award of credit may be made to electives for students who do not require additional general education or program credits to meet their goals. 

 Determination of Eligibility to Receive Credit by Examination: 

  • The student must be currently registered in the college and in good standing, 

  • The course is listed in the college catalog, 

  • Credits acquired by examination are not applicable to meeting of such unit load requirements as Selective Service deferment, Veteran's or Social Security benefits.  


Credits acquired by assessment shall not be counted in determining the 12 semester hours of credit in residence required for an Associate degree.  

 NOTE:  Additional local procedures may be inserted, which must include: 

  • Procedures for students to attain credit for prior learning that includes credit by examination, evaluation of Joint Services Transcripts, evaluation of student-created portfolios, evaluation of industry-recognized documentation, and standardized exams. 

  • The student’s academic record clearly indicates that the credit was earned by assessment of prior learning. 

  • Limits on the number of units that may be applied to the Associate degree. 

  • Other limits on student and course eligibility for credit by examination. 

  • Procedures that require that a student, upon completion of his/her/their educational plan pursuant to Education Code Section 78212, shall be referred to the college’s appropriate authority for assessment of prior learning if the student is a veteran or an active-duty member of the armed forces, holds industry-recognized credentials, or requests credit for a course based on their prior learning. 

  • An opportunity for students to accept, decline or appeal decisions related to the award of credit, and in the cases of credit by exam, pursuant to Title 5 Sections 55021 and 55025. 

 Revised 2/08, 10/17, 4/20, 10/21 

References:  Education Code Section 79500;  Title 5 Sections 55050, 55051, 55052, and 55052.5 


Disclaimer:  This document is provided as a benefit to Community College League of California’s Policy & Procedure Service subscribers and cannot be shared outside of their entity.  The information contained within is a sample only and is not designed to address each District’s specific and unique issues, internal rules or practices, or governing documents that might be in place at each entity.  Districts should always consult with local District legal counsel prior to implementation. 


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