AP 4500 - Student News Media
Administrative Procedures
Chapter 4 - Academic Affairs
AP 4500 - Student News Media
NOTE: The following procedure applies if the college has news media programs. These procedures are legally advised. Districts should adapt the language to accurately describe their programs.
College news media are any news/feature publications issued under the name of the college, funded by the District, and produced by students as an integral part of instruction in [insert name of relevant discipline or program]. It may include, but is not limited to, student newspaper reporting, broadcast news journalism and internet news journalism. The term "editorial" refers to all content other than advertising.
College news media, as laboratory publications of the [insert name of relevant discipline or program] curriculum, shall provide vehicles to train students for careers in mass communication. College news media shall also serve the entire college community by reporting the news, including college events and activities, providing a forum for comment and criticism, and encouraging free expression as guaranteed in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
College news media are valuable aids in establishing and maintaining an atmosphere of free and responsible discussion. College news media shall exercise editorial freedom in order to maintain their integrity as vehicles for free inquiry and free expression in the college community. At the same time, the editorial freedom of the college news media shall entail corollary responsibilities.
Each college newspaper or other news medium is published as a learning experience, offered under the [insert name of relevant discipline or program]. The editorial and advertising materials published in each news medium, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student staff. An editorial board should be formed for the news media involved. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by virtue of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. These procedures are adopted so as to encourage a responsible exercise of such freedom.
NOTE: Colleges are legally advised to establish grievance procedures that provide an avenue for complaints about news media content. They should include or address:
Journalism Grievance Procedures
Definition of a Grievance – A grievance is a complaint that alleges facts which, if true, would demonstrate a violation of the grievant's right to free inquiry, free speech, or fair treatment; contains allegations that appear to be substantially credible; and is not frivolous.
Informal Grievance Proceedings – Describe a procedure that includes a written complaint to those with direct responsibility for the program and their responsibilities to respond in a timely manner.
Formal Grievance Proceedings – More formal grievance procedures may include a grievance hearing committee and appeal to the [CEO] or designee in a timely fashion. The procedures should include how grievance hearings should be conducted, access to and maintenance of related records, and the responsibility of the authorities to respond to the grievance in a timely fashion.
Revised 10/20
Reference: Education Code Section 66301
Disclaimer: This document is provided as a benefit to Community College League of California’s Policy & Procedure Service subscribers and cannot be shared outside of their entity. The information contained within is a sample only and is not designed to address each District’s specific and unique issues, internal rules or practices, or governing documents that might be in place at each entity. Districts should always consult with local District legal counsel prior to implementation.