AP 4022 - Course Approval

AP 4022 - Course Approval



Administrative Procedures

Chapter 4 - Academic Affairs

AP 4022 - Course Approval

NOTE:  This procedure applies to the processes for approving individual credit and non-credit courses.  Local practice may be inserted, but must address the following requirements of Title 5 Section 55100 for credit courses and Title 5 Section 55150 for non-credit courses. 

Credit Courses 

Procedures for submitting for Board approval individual degree-applicable credit courses offered as part of an educational program approved by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. 

 Procedures for course approval of non-degree applicable credit courses and degree-applicable credit courses that are not part of a permitted educational program must address at least the following: 


  • These courses must be approved by the curriculum committee. 

  • The individuals on the curriculum committee must have received the training provided for in Title 5 Section 55100 

  • Unless modified to properly address the reasons for denial, no courses may be offered that were previously denied separate approval by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. 

  • Students may only count a limited amount of semester or quarter units approved toward satisfying the requirements for a certificate or completion of an associate degree. 

  • Regulatory limits on the number of courses that may be linked to one another by prerequisites or co-requisites. 

  • All courses approved must be reported to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. 


Non-Credit Courses 

Districts may approve non-credit courses pursuant to Title 5 Section 55002 and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Program and Course Approval Handbook.  Procedures for course approval of non-credit course must address at least the following: 

  • The curriculum committee and District governing board have approved each non-credit course pursuant to Title 5 Section 55002 and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Program and Course Approval Handbook. 

  • The District promptly reported all non-credit courses approved by the District governing board to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Curriculum Inventory Management Information Systems. 

  • District personnel involved in the non-credit course approval process, including curriculum committee members, received training regarding the rules, regulations, and local policies applicable to the approval of non-credit courses, including but not limited to, the provisions of Title 5 Section 55002 and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Program and Course Approval Handbook. 

  • The District governing board has established a local policies or procedures specifying attendance counting consistent with Education Code Sections 84030 et seq. 

  • Annual certification to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office before the conclusion of each academic year that the District has complied with the requirements of Title 5 Section 55150 relating to the approval of non-credit courses. 


Title 5 Sections 55100 and 55150 

New 8/07, Revised 4/20 

Disclaimer:  This document is provided as a benefit to Community College League of California’s Policy & Procedure Service subscribers and cannot be shared outside of their entity.  The information contained within is a sample only and is not designed to address each District’s specific and unique issues, internal rules or practices, or governing documents that might be in place at each entity.  Districts should always consult with local District legal counsel prior to implementation.