AP 5030 - Fees
Administrative Procedures
Chapter 5 - Student Services
AP 5030 - Fees
In compliance with Education Code and applicable laws the Chancellor shall ensure that the fees charged by the District, both required fees and fees authorized by law, shall be published in detail in the college catalogs and posted on the college websites.
a. Enrollment Fee (Education Code Section 76300) Each student shall be charged a fee for enrolling in credit courses as required by law.
b. Baccalaureate Degree Pilot Program Fees (Title 5 Section 58520) Each student shall be charged a fee in addition to an enrollment fee for upper division coursework that is part of a baccalaureate degree pilot program.
c. Nonresident Tuition (Education Code section 68000 et. seq.) Nonresident students shall be charged nonresident tuition for all units enrolled at the District, plus the enrollment fee per unit and Baccalaureate Degree program fee for applicable upper division coursework unless specifically exempted by law or District policy. See Board of Trustees Policy, BP 5020, Nonresident Tuition.
d. Health Fee (Education Code Section 76355) The Chancellor or designee shall present to the board for approval a fee to be charged to each full time student for student health services.
e. Parking Fee (Education Code Section 76360) The Chancellor or designee shall present to the board for approval a fee for parking services.
f. Instructional Materials (Education Code Section 76365; Title 5 Sections 59400 et seq.) Students may be required to provide required instructional and other materials for a credit or non-credit course, provided such materials are of continuing value to the student outside the classroom and provided that such materials are not solely or exclusively available from the District. See Administrative Procedure, AP 5031, Instructional and Other Materials.
g. Physical Education/Exercise Science Facilities (Education Code Section 76395) Where the District incurs additional expenses because a physical education/Exercise Science course is required to use non-district facilities, students enrolled in the course shall be charged a fee for participating in the course. Such fee shall not exceed the student’s calculated share of the additional expenses incurred by the District.
h. Student Representation Fee (Education Code Section 76060.5) Students will be charged a $2 fee per semester to be used to provide support for student governmental affairs representation. A student may refuse to pay the fee for religious, political, financial or moral reasons and shall submit such refusal in writing.
i. Transcript Fees (Education Code Section 76223) The District shall charge a reasonable amount for furnishing copies of any student record to a student or former student. The Board is authorized to establish the fee, which shall not to exceed the actual cost of furnishing copies of any student record. Transcript fees shall be published in the college catalogs and college websites. No charge shall be made for furnishing up to two (2) transcripts of students’ records. There shall be no charge for searching for or retrieving any student record.
j. International Students Application Processing Fee (Education Code Section 76142) The District shall charge students who are both citizens and residents of a foreign country a fee to process his/her application for admission. This processing fee and regulations for determining economic hardship may be established by the Chancellor. The fee shall not exceed the lesser of:
1) the actual cost of processing an application and other documentation required by the U.S. government; or
2) one hundred dollars ($100), which shall be deducted from the tuition fee at the time of enrollment.
a. Late application (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
b. Add/drop (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
c. Mandatory student activities (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
d. Student Identification Cards (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
e. Student Body Organization (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
f. Nonresident application (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
g. For dependents of certain veterans (Education Code Section 66025.3)
h. For dependents of certain victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
i. For certain recipients of the Medal of Honor and certain children of the recipients of the Medal of Honor (Education Code Section 66025.3)
j. Surviving spouses or children of a firefighter employed by the federal government whose duty assignment involved the performance of firefighting services in California (Education Code Section 68120)
k. For students who have been exonerated of a crime through writ of habeas corpus or pardon that meet certain conditions (Education Code 69000)
l. Required or funded services (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
m. Refundable deposits (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
n. Distance education (other than the statutorily authorized enrollment fee) (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
o. Mandatory mailings (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
p. Rental of practice rooms (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
q. Apprenticeship courses (Education Code Section 76350) r. Technology fee (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
s. Late payment fee (Title 5 Sections 58502 and 59410)
t. Nursing/healing arts student liability insurance
u. Cleaning (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
v. Breakage (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
w. Test proctoring (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
The Chancellor shall establish procedures regarding the collection and refund of fees as allowed by law. See Administrative Procedure, AP 6300.11, Student Refunds, and Administrative Procedure, AP 6300.12, District Cashiering, Collections, and Deposits.
Approved by the Chancellor:
August 22, 2021
BP 3303, BP 3304, and BP 3305 merged into AP 3300 – 11/09/16; (Renumbered AP 5030)