AP 4021 - Instructional Program Discontinuance
Administrative Procedures
Chapter 4 - Academic Affairs
AP 4021 - Instructional Program Discontinuance
A program may be discontinued by the Board of Trustees based upon evidence that the criteria for program approval are no longer met, as set forth in California Code of Regulations, title 5, section 55130 and Education Code section 78016. For the purposes of this procedure, a program shall be defined as a field of study with one or more related certificates and degrees.
Program discontinuance procedures shall be established by the San Diego Community College District College’s San Diego City College, Mesa College, Miramar College, and the College of Continuing Education based on the recognition that the responsibility for program discontinuance is shared cooperatively between the Academic Senate and administrators. The procedures shall include the following criteria:
Steps to monitor the impact on other areas, including articulation, transfer agreements, and student notification, transition, and assistance in program completion as well as student notification;
A detailed plan and recommended timeline for phasing out the program with the least impact on students, faculty, staff, and the community;
A plan for currently enrolled students to continue their academic award, such as a teach-out plan or a plan for them to meet their educational objectives through alternative means; and
A plan that ensures an open and transparent shared/participatory governance process in generating any recommendation to the Board of Trustees regarding program discontinuance.
The Board of Trustees shall consider any recommendation for program discontinuance from the Chancellor at a meeting of the Board in accordance with its regular processes and procedures. The Board shall take into account all information generated in accordance with these procedures, and any other information determined to be appropriate by the Board in their consideration of the recommendation.
In all cases of program discontinuance, care must be taken to monitor and address impacts on all areas. Opportunities for retraining and reassignment of persons affected by program discontinuance will be managed in keeping with the practices of the District.
The Board of Trustees shall make the final decision regarding the discontinuance of programs.
Education Code Section 78016; California Code of Regulations, title 5, sections 51022 and 55130; WASC/ACCJC Accreditation Standard 2
February 10, 2017
September 22, 2023
(Supersedes AP 5021)
Accreditation reference updated July 19, 2024