AP 4106 - Nursing Programs
Administrative Procedures
Chapter 4 - Academic Affairs
Ap 4106 - Nursing Programs
Students applying to the Registered Nursing Program must submit completed application materials by the application deadlines. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide complete and accurate materials by the closing date. A description of what constitutes a complete application is listed in the catalog. Students must submit official transcripts with the degree posted directly to the Nursing Department. Students who provide documentation through the official transcript that they possess a bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education in the United States will have the general education requirements waived. The student must complete all of the coursework necessary for licensure as a registered nurse. This includes all of the prerequisites to the program; all required application materials, assessment testing, and/or required remediation, and the degree requirements for nursing.
A criminal background clearance and a drug testing clearance are required for admission to the program and clinical placements, per our clinical partners. If a student cannot obtain a criminal background clearance and drug testing clearance for clinical placement clinical placements, it will not be possible to place the student in a clinical area, which is a required component of continuing in the nursing program. Therefore, prior to the commencement of classes, the student’s space in the nursing program will be forfeited if they cannot obtain a criminal background clearance and drug testing clearance.
Nursing students who have already earned a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning are not required to complete any general education requirements that may be required for an associate degree. Per the California Board of Registered Nursing, California Code of Regulations 1426 Required Curriculum, a student who is enrolled in a nursing program must complete the following course to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX):
1. Art and science of nursing, thirty-six (36) semester units or fifty-four (54) quarter units, of which eighteen (18) semester or twenty-seven (27) quarter units will be in theory and eighteen (18) semester or twenty-seven (27) quarter units will be in clinical practice.
2. Communication skills, six (6) semester or nine (9) quarter units. Communication skills shall include principles of oral, written, and group communication.
3. Related natural sciences (anatomy, physiology, and microbiology courses with labs), behavioral and social sciences, sixteen (16) semester or twenty-four (24) quarter units.
Current and prospective nursing students must at all times meet applicable hospital security standards for placement in mandatory clinical rotations at selected hospitals. Every student offered a space in the program will be required to submit to a background screening and drug testing clearance prior to beginning clinical rotations as part of their clinical requirements for admission. Pending on the criminal history, such as a felony conviction(s) or any bar, exclusion or other ineligibility for federal program participation could render a student ineligible for clinical placement, as determined by the clinical agencies, which could lead to a student being ineligible to continue in the program. The screening will also include a national sex offender search.
Students who are ineligible for clinical placement after admission to the nursing program shall be subject to dismissal from the nursing program, as they will be unable to complete mandatory clinical rotations, which are regulated per the California Board of Registered Nursing.
The State of California Board of Registered Nursing requires the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Program faculty to determine admission criteria within the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) Guidelines for ADN Program admission based on the Ed. Code, title 5, and Health and Safety Code Sections.
The Associate Dean of Nursing, the Nursing Success Advisor, the Nursing Counseling, and the Administrative Assistant III will annually review admission criteria and analyze the data.
The District shall consider all of the following when screening nursing students:
1. Prerequisite grade point average (GPA);
2. A fixed set GPA in relevant coursework;
3. Exam of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) scores;
4. Academic degrees or diplomas, or relevant certificates, held by the applicant;
5. Grade point average in relevant coursework;
6. Life experiences or special circumstances of an applicant;
7. Any relevant work or volunteer experience; and
8. Proficiency or advanced level coursework in languages other than English.
Education Code Sections 66055.8, 66055.9, 70101-70106, 70120, 70124, 70125, 70128.5, 78260, 78261, 78261.3, 78261.5, 87482, 89267, 89267.3, and 92645; Title 5 Sections 55060 et seq. and 55521; Health and Safety Code Section 128050 Nursing Practice Act, Chapter 6, Article 4 California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Sections 1420 et seq
Approved by the Chancellor:
September 22, 2023
New Procedure