BP 4020 - Curriculum Development
Board of Trustees Policy
Chapter 5 - Student Services
NOTE: This policy is legally required. The following policy indicates that the Governing Board retains authority to approve new programs and courses, and discontinue programs, and delegates the authority for all other actions to the CEO. It is the option we legally advise, but options that delegate all authority to the CEO or that require Board approval for new courses and discontinue courses are legal. However, it is suggested that Boards not require staff to submit program or course modifications to them for approval.
The portion of this policy regarding credit hour definition is legally required in an effort to show good faith compliance with the applicable federal regulations.
The programs and curricula of the District shall be of high quality, relevant to community and student needs, and evaluated regularly to ensure quality and currency. To that end, the [ CEO ] shall establish procedures for the development and review of all curricular offerings, including their establishment, modification, or discontinuance.
Furthermore, these procedures shall include:
appropriate involvement of the faculty and Academic Senate in all processes;
regular review and justification of programs and course descriptions;
opportunities for training for persons involved in aspects of curriculum development; and
consideration of job market and other related information for career and technical education programs.
NOTE: The following language is optional:
The Board encourages the District to develop and offer programs and curricula in ethnic studies, programs and curricula that infuse a global perspective into the curricular offerings, and programs and curricula that include instruction on the perspectives of persons with low socioeconomic status in the topic.
All new programs and program discontinuances shall be approved by the Board of Trustees.
All new programs shall be submitted to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office for approval as required.
Individual degree-applicable credit courses offered as part of a permitted educational program shall be approved by the Board. Non-degree-applicable credit and degree-applicable courses that are not part of an existing approved program must satisfy the conditions authorized by Title 5 regulations and shall be approved by the Board.
Credit Hour
Consistent with federal regulations applicable to federal financial aid eligibility, the District shall assess and designate each of its programs as either a “credit hour” program or a “clock hour” program.
The [ CEO ] shall establish procedures which prescribe the definition of “credit hour” consistent with applicable Title 5 and federal regulations, as they apply to community college districts.
The [ CEO ] shall establish procedures to assure that curriculum at the District complies with the definition of “credit hour” or “clock hour,” where applicable.
The [ CEO ] shall also establish procedures for using a clock-to-credit hour conversion formula to determine whether a credit hour program is eligible for federal financial aid. The conversion formula is used to determine whether such a credit-hour program has an appropriate minimum number of clock hours of instruction for each credit hour it claims.
Revised 8/04, 2/07, 8/07, 7/11, 3/12, 11/14, 4/16, 10/17, 4/21, 4/24
Disclaimer: This document is provided as a benefit to Community College League of California’s Policy & Procedure Service subscribers and cannot be shared outside of their entity. The information contained within is a sample only and is not designed to address each District’s specific and unique issues, internal rules or practices, or governing documents that might be in place at each entity. Districts should always consult with local District legal counsel prior to implementation.
Education Code Sections 70901 subdivision (b), 70902 subdivision (b), and 78016;
Title 5 Sections 51000, 51022, 55002.5, 55100, 55130, and 55150;
U.S. Department of Education regulations on the Integrity of Federal Student Financial Aid Programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended;
34 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 600.2, 602.24, 603.24, and 668.8;
ACCJC Accreditation Standard 2