BP 4260 - Prerequisites and Co-requisite

BP 4260 - Prerequisites and Co-requisite




Board of Trustees Policy

BP 4260 - Prerequisites and Co-requisites

NOTE:  This policy is legally required. 

 The [ CEO ] is authorized to establish prerequisites, co-requisites, and advisories on recommended preparation for courses in the curriculum.  All such prerequisites, co-requisites, and advisories shall be established in accordance with the standards set out in Title 5.  Any prerequisites, co-requisites, or advisories shall be necessary and appropriate for achieving the purpose for which they are established.  The procedures shall include a way in which a prerequisite or co-requisite may be challenged by a student on grounds permitted by law.  Prerequisites, co-requisites, and advisories shall be identified in District publications available to students. 

 Revised 2/08 


Title 5 Sections 55000 and 55003







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