BP 4250 - Probation, Dismissal, and Readmission (4/21)

BP 4250 - Probation, Dismissal, and Readmission (4/21)




Board of Trustees Policy

Chapter 4 - Academic Affairs

BP 4250 - Probation, Dismissal, and Readmission (4/21)

NOTE: This policy is legally required. The following standards are the minimum standards defined in Title 5. Boards may adopt more stringent standards as specified in 55031-55034, and if they have done so, board policy must reflect those standards.


A student shall be placed on academic probation if he/she/they has attempted a minimum of 12 semester units of work and has a grade point average of less than a "C" (2.0).

A student shall be placed on progress probation if he/she/they has enrolled in a total of at least 12 semester units and the percentage of all units in which the student has enrolled, for which entries of "W," "I," "NC," and “NP” were recorded reaches or exceeds 50 percent.

A student who is placed on probation may submit an appeal in accordance with procedures to be established by the [ CEO ].

A student on academic probation shall be removed from probation when the student's accumulated grade point average is 2.0 or higher. A student on progress probation shall be removed from probation when the percentage of units in the categories of "W," "I," "NC," and “NP” drops below 50 percent.


A student who is on academic probation shall be subject to dismissal if the student has earned a cumulative grade point average of less than 1.75 in all units attempted in each of three consecutive semesters.

A student who is on progress probation shall be subject to dismissal if the cumulative percentage of units in which the student has been enrolled for which entries of "W," "I," "NC," and “NP” are recorded in at least three consecutive semesters reaches or exceeds 50 percent.

A student who is subject to dismissal may submit a written appeal in compliance with administrative procedures. Dismissal may be postponed and the student continued on probation if the student state the District’s established criteria, such as evidence of extenuating circumstances or shows significant improvement in academic achievement.


A student who has been dismissed may request reinstatement conditions of reinstatement are up to the District; suggest passage of time (e.g., one semester) or appeal that indicates extenuating circumstances have changed.

Readmission may be granted, denied, or postponed according to criteria contained in administrative procedures.

The [ CEO ] shall develop procedures for the implementation of this policy that comply with the Title 5 requirements.

NOTE: The following language is Optional:

Probation, Dismissal, Readmission Data Reporting

The [ CEO ] shall develop and provide to the Board for review [ specify annual or other interval ] report of the number of students who were placed on probation, dismissed, and reinstated. This report must disaggregate the students by race, age, gender, or any other characteristic identified by the Board.



Education Code Section 70902 subdivision (b)(3); Title 5 Sections 55031-55034


8/07, 10/13, 4/18, 4/2

Disclaimer:  This document is provided as a benefit to Community College League of California’s Policy & Procedure Service subscribers and cannot be shared outside of their entity.  The information contained within is a sample only and is not designed to address each District’s specific and unique issues, internal rules or practices, or governing documents that might be in place at each entity.  Districts should always consult with local District legal counsel prior to implementation.




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