BP 5050 – Student Equity And Achievement Program

BP 5050 – Student Equity And Achievement Program




Board of Trustees Policy

Chapter 5 - Student Services


The Board of Trustees is committed to assuring student equity and the support of student success in educational programs and college services.

The District shall provide Student Equity and Achievement Program (SEA Program) services to students as an aid in furthering educational opportunities and academic success. The SEA Program services shall incorporate a plan for equity amongst all groups who have disproportionate outcomes in representation and academic success. The purpose and goal of the program is to provide students with the support necessary to assist them in completing their educational goals and identified course of study through the District’s established programs, policies, and requirements. The Board expects the SEA Program to specifically identify and close opportunity gaps that impact student success and improve the District’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility to better support success.

The District is required to comply with the Student Equity and Achievement Program requirements; therefore, the Chancellor shall establish administrative procedures that ensure the implementation and development of an SEA Program Plan that complies with all appropriate local and state regulations.




Education Code Sections 66030, 66250 et seq., and 72010 et seq., 78210 et seq.; Title 5 Section 54220, 55500 et seq.; ACCJC Accreditation Standard 2



Revised: 10/27/16; 9/29/22 (Replaces BP 3050)


Accreditation reference updated 7/19/24



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