BP 5055 - Enrollment Priorities
Board of Trustees Policy
Chapter 5 - Student Services
All courses of the District shall be open to enrollment, subject to an established priority system.
Enrollment also may be limited to students meeting properly validated prerequisites and corequisites as approved and identified in the college catalog. Other limitations placed upon
specified courses and programs are established in accordance with statutes and regulations,
and District policy.
A priority system for enrollment in credit classes has been established in accordance with
state regulations as outlined in AP 5055, Enrollment Priority and Open Enrollment.The enrollment priority system shall provide an equitable means for assigning enrollment
priorities and reflect the core mission of the District.All students will be subject to the criteria set forth in the enrollment priority system.
Title 5 Sections 51006; 58106; and 58108
June 15, 2023
BP 5055 – 10/27/16