BP 5015 – Residence Determination
Board of Trustees Policy
Chapter 5 - Student Services
Students shall be classified at the time of each application for admission or registration as a resident or nonresident student.
A resident is any person who has been a bona fide resident of California for at least one year on the residence determination date. The residence determination date shall be the day immediately preceding the first day of a semester or summer session for which the student applies to attend. Notwithstanding this standard for determining bona fide California residency, a student with military or veteran status may be deemed to qualify as a California resident for instate tuition eligibility, in accordance with state and federal law.
Residence classification shall be made for each student at the time applications for admission are accepted, or registration occurs, and whenever a student has not been in attendance for more than one semester. A student previously classified as a non-resident may be reclassified as of any residence determination date. Effective January 1, 2019, under the provision of Education Code Section 68086, students enrolling only in noncredit courses shall not be subject to residence classification requirements.
The District Chancellor shall enact procedures to assure that residence determinations are made in accordance with Education Code and Title 5 Regulations and shall ensure that these procedures are set forth in detail in the College catalogs. College catalogs are available in each college’s Admissions offices and posted on the college and District websites.
Education Code Sections 68040, 68086, and 76140; Title 5 Section 54000 et seq.; 38 U.S. Code Section 3679
October 13, 2022
BP 5015 – 08/27/15; 10/27/16; 04/14/22