BP 4300 – Field Trips and Excursions

BP 4300 – Field Trips and Excursions




Board of Trustees Policy

Chapter 5 - Student Services

4300 - Field Trips and Excursions

Off-campus student activities involve the District when they are an integral part of programs offered by the District. These learning situations include, but are not limited to: field trips, excursions, classes convened off-campus, co-curricular activities, student body activities, and the use of community resources individually by students.

The District may pay for expenses of students participating in a field trip or excursion with auxiliary, grant or categorical program funds if the funds are used consistently with the funding source.  The expenses of instructors, chaperones, and other personnel traveling with students may also be paid from District funds.

The Chancellor, or designee(s), shall establish procedures that regulate student travel and attendance at off-campus student activities outlined in this policy.


This policy is intended to ensure that off-campus student activities adhere to all state, local and federal regulations, as well as all District policies and procedures, including the Student Code of Conduct, and the Student Travel Guidelines.

All students are expected to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct at all times while participating in off-campus student activities (see Board of Trustees Policy, BP 5500, Student Rights, Responsibilities, Campus Safety and Administrative Due Process).

Each college/campus may establish, as a part of its annual budget, funds to provide for costs related to off-campus student activities which are governed by this policy.

Sexual Misconduct Training: All students who travel must complete the District’s Title IX training in advance of travel.


Adopted: BP 5500, Student Rights, Responsibilities, Campus Safety and Administrative Due Process; Student Travel Guidelines; Government Code Section §11139.8


April 14, 2022


Policy C-5493 – 09/1/72; Policy 3120 – 10/14/98; 01/26/12; 11/10/2016; (Renumbered 4300) 5



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