SDCCD Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative

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@Elaine Chance

@Amy Meyers

@Marina Rosales

@Victor DeVore

@Shelly Hess

ℹ️ Overview

The San Diego Community College District IEPI PRT has three main objectives:

  1. Optimize district support for critical district-wide processes that impact student success and completion. Specifically, SDCCD is seeking peer consultation and support in improving its infrastructure for catalogue revision and transcript processing.

  2. Improve business practices and service to students by reducing the redundancy of manual entries of the same information in the catalogue revision process. 

  3. Improve business practices and service to students by (2) streamlining processes to reduce the time it takes for transcript evaluation 

  4. Improve business practices and service to students by (3) leveraging resources to implement innovative systems such as the Transcript Evaluation Process and Smart Panda. 

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