Academic Renewal Without Course Repetition

Academic Renewal Without Course Repetition

District Regulations Governing Academic Renewal Without Course Repetition

  1. A maximum of 30 units or one semester/session may be disregarded, whichever is greater. For purposes of academic renewal for summer session work, a summer session will be defined as all courses which commence after the termination of the spring semester and end prior to the commencement of the fall semester. Intersession work will be included in spring semesters. Short-term or carry-over classes will be considered to be part of the semester or session in which credit is awarded or a grade is recorded to the student’s permanent record. 

  2. If grade alleviation has already been applied two times for a course, the course will not be eligible for academic renewal without repetition and will remain on the academic record. 

  3. If previous action for academic renewal has been applied to coursework included in the semester to be disregarded, the course will not be eligible for academic renewal without repetition and will remain on the academic record. 

  4. Work taken at another institution may be alleviated in our computations for purposes of graduation from one of the District colleges under the regulations stated above. 

  5. The permanent academic record will be annotated in such a manner that the record of all work remains legible, ensuring a true and complete academic record. 

  6. Recalculation of the grade point average may be used toward qualification for graduation with honors. 

  7. Academic standing for the semester/session(s) will not be adjusted. 

  8. Once an associate degree has been posted to the student’s academic record, academic renewal without course repetition may only be applied to classes with an evaluative symbol of “F".


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