Element Attributes
DED Table and # | STUDENT BASIC SB075 |
Name | |
Short Name | |
Definition for UGRD | This is the student email on file. This data is for research purposes ONLY (e.g., mapping for internal use). It should not be used for marketing campaigns to students, etc. |
Definition for CE | Same as UGRD |
Definition for CEHS | Same as UGRD |
Origin | Element existed in legacy Datamart: EMAIL (SB30) |
DED Entry Last Updated | 7/2/2020 |
PeopleSoft Datamart Attributes
Record(s) | X_IR_STBA_DAT |
Field Name | EMAIL_ADDR |
Heading Text | |
Front-End Path | Campus Community > Personal Information > Add/Update Person |
Char70 | |
Value Labels for UGRD | No value labels needed |
Value Labels for CE | Same as UGRD |
Value Labels for CEHS | Same as UGRD |
No | |
No |
Known Issues, Related Details, and Other Notes