Element Attributes
DED Table and # | STUDENT BASIC SB083 |
Short Name | AGE |
Definition for UGRD | This element is calculated based on students date of birth as of opening day of the specific term. |
Definition for CE | Same as UGRD |
Definition for CEHS | Same as UGRD |
Origin | Element existed in legacy Datamart: AGE (SB04) |
DED Entry Last Updated | 9/3/2020 |
PeopleSoft Datamart Attributes
Record(s) | X_IR_STBA_DAT |
Field Name | AGE |
Heading Text | Age |
Front-End Path | This is a calculated field within CS that is not viewable on the front end. However, you can find birthdate here: Campus Community > Personal Information > Add/Update a Person > Person Information |
Num3.0 | |
Value Labels for UGRD | No value labels needed |
Value Labels for CE | Same as UGRD |
Value Labels for CEHS | Same as UGRD |
Yes | |
No |
Known Issues, Related Details, and Other Notes
Age is calculated differently between SDCCD_IRD Legacy Datamart. Please refer to the following pathway to recalculate Legacy Age to match how SDCCD_IRD is calculating age. R:\CS Syntax\Age