Element Attributes
DED Table and # | ENROLLMENT EN039 |
Short Name | CATNUM |
Definition for UGRD | This element identifies the catalog number of the course. Example: For the course "BIOL 101," 101 is the catalog number. Catalog numbers have meaning with regard to course level and transfer. |
Definition for CE | Same as UGRD |
Definition for CEHS | Same as UGRD |
Origin | Element existed in legacy Datamart: CRSE NUM (CS21) |
DED Entry Last Updated | 2/13/2023 |
PeopleSoft Datamart Attributes
Record(s) | X_IR_ENRL_DAT |
Field Name | CATALOG_NBR |
Heading Text | Catalog |
Front-End Path | Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes > Basic Data |
Char10 | |
Value Labels for UGRD | 1 – 49 Basic Skills or college preparatory courses. Credit does not apply toward an associate degree or transfer to a four-year college or university. 50 – 99 Course credit applies toward the associate degree but does not transfer to a four-year college or university (Exception: English 51 and 56 and Math 95 no longer apply as an Associate Degree credit). 100 – 299 Course credit applies toward the associate degree and credit is intended for transfer to a four-year college or university. (Some courses may be identified as associate degree.) Final decision in regard to transferability rests with the receiving institution. 300 – 399 Apprenticeship and in-service courses. See Catalog course description to determine credit for Associate Degree or Transfer |
Value Labels for CE | CE courses begin at 400 and course #s are not reused within the same subject area. |
Value Labels for CEHS | CEHS courses begin at 400 and course #s are not reused within the same subject area. |
No | |
No | |
Campus Solutions Mapping | Table: CLASS_TBL, Field: CATALOG_NBR |
Known Issues, Related Details, and Other Notes
Excluding CATALOG NUMBER = 044, 044A, 044B, 044C, and 044D will exclude tutoring courses. This should be the same as excluding on SCHEDULE TYPE = TUT.