News and Updates

News and Updates

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Dear Colleagues, Recently Student Services has updated the new “beta” class search https://www.sdccd.edu/students/class-search/search.html to include Continuing Education and Spring 2021 classes.  To encourage use of the beta class search we have replaced the class search links on the “Guest” portal (Link https://myportal.sdccd.edu/psc/CSGUEST/EMPLOYEE/EMPL/c/NUI_FRAMEWORK.PT_LANDINGPAGE.GBL).   Current Class Search Beta Class Search image-20201207-192408.png image-20201207-192411.…
72e18bcf-5a9a-4d4b-9ffc-93039ea70a7eimage-20200804-230321.png868030fe-4840-4587-882a-d6d020affac9image-20200804-230350.pngScreen Shot 2020-08-04 at 4.04.19 PM.pngimage-20200804-230534.pngScreen Shot 2020-08-04 at 4.05.53 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-08-04 at 4.07.10 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-08-04 at 4.07.58 PM.pngimage-20200804-230859.png13f4a67f-ec49-4a68-90f5-78e38cf3e1cfimage-20200804-230908.pngScreen Shot 2020-08-04 at 4.09.29 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-08-04 at 4.09.45 PM.png
  Screen Shot 2020-06-03 at 5.42.30 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-06-03 at 5.42.48 PM.png New College Faculty “IP Grade” form for Spring 2020 only Assignment of In Progress form is available for Spring 2020 only: Instructor’s submitting an IP grade for ‘hard to convert’ classes must use the Assignment of In Progress form rather than input the grades into the online grade sheet.  The form is available under the FACULTY FORMS https://www.sdccd.…
  66ad34e1-2424-406f-91c2-3ad73d7dd3d6b655d877-62dd-48ae-a033-481f738be0b4  ENROLLMENT  SPRING 2020 - As of March 2nd 2020: 14,886 students are enrolled at City College in 1,454 sections 20,571 students are enrolled at Mesa College in 2,177 sections 14,128 students are enrolled at Miramar College in 1,…
38d5fa41-14ed-4d83-8d9d-6f2ba2dd947ce1aa9403-3c69-4b02-87f0-0d80bef4a1c9 ENROLLMENT UPDATES SPRING 2020: As of January 12th 2020 11,668 students are enrolled at City College in 1,492 sections 18,427 students are enrolled at Mesa College in 2,230 sections 10,683 students are enrolled at Miramar College in 1,233 sections  0251d9da-8a2e-496c-9bf6-0be3be8fa4c2e1aa9403-3c69-4b02-87f0-0d80bef4a1c9  IMPORTANT Academic Standing for Fall 2019 was applied Friday, 01/10/2020.…
491d1d7a-fcc7-4dcc-9e5a-f8d4fd59dacb ENROLLMENT UPDATES SPRING 2020: As of December 8th: ·       7,005 students are enrolled at City College in 1,471 sections ·       11,784 students are enrolled at Mesa College in 2,239 sections ·       7,307 students are enrolled at Miramar College in 1,238 sections   INTERSESSION 2020: As of December 8th : ·       1,340 students are enrolled at City College in 46 sections  ·       2,236 students are enrolled at Mesa College in 101 sections  ·       1,…
1.png NEW BUSINESS PROCESSES Full mobile support for CCCApply is now live Spring 2020 College Class Schedule is now online 2.…
logo 12 NEW BUSINESS PROCESSES New Online Attendance and Grade Roster for Continuing Education Update – November 1st Go Live http://www.sdccd.edu/docs/StudentServices/Memos/CE%20Attendance%20and%20Grade%20Roster%20Memo.pdf Former students (no longer active) do not have online access to unofficial transcripts. Students may request unofficial transcripts online by submitting a request at: http://bit.ly/sdccdunofficial http://bit.…
image-20190913-180303.png NEW BUSINESS PROCESSES Spring 2020 College TAO ready to be accepted on 11/01/2019 (Friday) NEW ISSUES CE students who wish to enroll in the high school diploma program (CEHS) should see a staff member at the CE campus to manually add the CEHS career since the online application/registration is not working properly for this small subset of students.…
https://gallery.mailchimp.com/d4b7a16f61e3a71488d94cfc1/images/118e488b-d2f7-4c8d-8b18-dc12ac473e8d.png NEW BUSINESS PROCESSES Continuing Education Fall 2019 semester began today (09/03/2019) Beginning Monday 09/16/2019, the hours for the Student Services Support Desk will change to Monday-Thursday 8:00am-6:00pm and Friday 8:00am-5:00pm NEW ISSUES Classes with TBA assigned meeting patterns intermittently show 6am to 11pm,…
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