Announcing Updates to the "Beta Class Search"

Announcing Updates to the "Beta Class Search"

Dear Colleagues,

Recently Student Services has updated the new “beta” class search to include Continuing Education and Spring 2021 classes.  To encourage use of the beta class search we have replaced the class search links on the “Guest” portal (Link).


Current Class Search

Beta Class Search



 Students who login to Campus Solutions/mySDCCD will continue to use the Current (PeopleSoft delivered) Class Search as shown above (left pane).  Students who do not sign into Campus Solutions and wish to view the class schedule will be directed to the Beta Class Search (right pane) - https://www.sdccd.edu/students/class-search/search.html

Please note: Students are still required to login to add classes to their enrollment shopping cart to enroll in classes. 

The goal is to allow students to add classes to their shopping cart through the Beta Class Search.  Once this feature is complete, we will replace the “Current Class Search” with the newer version.

Key Features:

  • Quicker responsiveness when searching:
    Class data is now loaded initially with instant results being shown to the student.  Please note that because of caching of information, data will be refreshed every 10 minutes.  We will monitor performance and may increase the frequency.

  • Spring 2021 is now the default semester:
    When students visit the class search, they will be directed to Spring 2021 instead of Fall 2020 as the default term.  This change was made due to the numerous comments we received on how the current class schedule functions. The term will change when registration begins for the “next” semester rather than when the ‘current’ semester ends.

  • More Search Criteria:
    In addition to an improved general search (search by name or course), students can use the advanced filters to search for classes in a subject, instructor, zero cost textbooks, start date, etc.).

    Note: Students must click on “Search” once they enter in their criteria.

  • Honors Courses will display the word “Honors” in the class title:


  • Course Information Displayed without leaving the schedule
    Students can now access course information (DETAILS) without leaving their search result by clicking on the course name.  Information  includes:

    • Units, Class Capacity, Type, Deadlines, Course Description and Notes, requisites, degree applicable, transferability and link to books (if any)





  • From the search display, click on the “Open Seats” number to display more information regarding enrollment and waitlist.  Class Capacity is now displayed along with open seats.


  • Hovering the mouse over the class dates will display the specific class deadlines:

  • Clicking on the instructor name will allow students to contact the instructor.  (Note: If students do not have an email program like Outlook setup, they can right click on the name and click on “Copy Email Address”)

  • Class Status Issues have been fixed.  The status will correctly show depending if the class is full, has seats available on the waitlist, requires a permission number or is open.  Additionally, classes will sort by class name, then classes with the most available open seats:

Status Definitions:

·         Open – Class is open for students to enroll and is before the first day of class.

·         Permission # Required – Class is currently in session and requires a permission number to enroll.

·         Waitlist Available – Class is full, but has waitlist spots open

·         Full – Class is full, and the waitlist has no open spots

·         Closed – Add/Drop period has passed



100% Mobile Friendly:  The page will show a clean, mobile friendly- format on phones and tablets:



Please note that students will still need to login to mySDCCD to register for classes.  They can simply copy the Class Number (by clicking on the Class Number button ) and paste it in the “Enter Class Nbr” section once logged into mySDCCD to quickly add classes to their enrollment shopping cart:

We are continuously working to improve the “Beta Class Search”.  If you have any questions, please contact Victor DeVore at vdevore@sdccd.edu. Please feel free to distribute and post on your college websites. 


Thank you,

Susan Topham

Vice Chancellor, Educational Services



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