ENROLLMENT UPDATES SPRING 2020: As of January 12th 2020 11,668 students are enrolled at City College in 1,492 sections 18,427 students are enrolled at Mesa College in 2,230 sections 10,683 students are enrolled at Miramar College in 1,233 sections
IMPORTANT Loss of CCPG will be running this week for Fall 2019 academically disqualified students Faculty who taught positive attendance Fall 2019 should submit their positive attendance rosters immediately. For more information, please click here Fall 2019 grades were due on Friday, 01/03/2020. There are still 72 classes (as of 01/10/2020) that have not had their final grades submitted. Submitting grades is a two-step process. Please be sure the status “approved” has been updated to “posted” on each grade roster in mySDCCD to finalize grade posting. Please click here to view an online video tutorial, or here for step by step instructions All access to the college online Attendance Rosters has been reinstated for all classes beginning Spring/Intersession Financial Aid Intersession bookstore is now closed. FA Spring bookstore opens Tuesday, 01/21/2020 Campus Solutions automated Waitlist process is now active and will automatically enroll students when a seat is available. A few reminders: Students who have a hold, time conflict or reached the maximum allowable units will be given three business days to clear the conflict or be dropped from the Waitlist Students will be able to enroll in one co-requisite course while Waitlisted for the other, or Waitlisted on both For additional information about the Waitlist process, please click on the link below: https://www.sdccd.edu/docs/StudentServices/Memos/Waitlist_Memo_12122019.pdf
PAYMENT PLANS are now active in mySDCCD through TouchNet. Students are now allowed to pay their fees through monthly installments if they owe more than $250 in Spring 2020 (or $150 in Fall 2019). Students make a 20% down payment along with a nonrefundable $25 payment plan fee (per TERM), and make monthly payments thereafter. The enrollment period will be available until 02/05/2020 for Spring Debt and 02/12/2020 for Fall 2019 debt. Enrollment holds will be placed on student’s accounts prior to enrollment for the next term if not paid in full on that last installment The link to Open Classes Listing is now active and can be found here: https://www.sdccd.edu/mysdccd/open-classes.aspx The link to Online Faculty Directory is now active and can be found here: https://www.sdccd.edu/mysdccd/faculty-directory.aspx The faculty portal allows for early access to class rosters. Be mindful to not inadvertently drop students before class starts. Since this is new functionality, drops from rosters before the start of the semester are being monitored; students will be reinstated which could lead to classes being over capacity The Grade Roster Page defaults to view the first 20 students on the grade roster. To enter grades for all students, faculty must click the arrows (see below) on the Grade Roster Page to view the remaining students. A step-by-step guide for submitting grades can be found here, and an instructional video for submitting grades can be found here
IMPORTANT LINKS ANY ISSUES WITH QUERIES, REPORTS, AND ACCESS? please contact bhawley@sdccd.edu MANAGERS AND SUPERVISORS MAY REQUEST QUERY REPORTS THROUGH Query Request Form STATUS UPDATES FOR KNOWN ISSUES? Please check this website for status updates https://www.sdccd.edu/mysdccd/help/known-issues.aspx PROBLEMS LOGGING INTO CANVAS? Make sure you are logging in to http://sdccd.instructure.com CONTACT FACULTY? New online faculty directory created by Student Services at http://www.sdccd.edu/mysdccd/faculty-directory.aspx MISSED FACULTY TRAINING? Check out the faculty training videos https://www.sdccd.edu/mysdccd/faculty/videos.aspx NEED HELP? Go to the MySDCCD Training Hub for "How to Guides" mySDCCD Info Hub HAVE AN ISSUE? Be sure to contact the Student Services Support Center https://mysdccd.atlassian.net/servicedesk/ |