Class Search is not showing all books required
Co-requisites not consistently allowing enrollments; students are being manually enrolled from the Waitlists
College attendance tracking overnight job is now running but some college tracking fitness center rosters have overstated attendance tracking hours
College faculty teaching positive attendance classes will need to download the roster to Excel to maintain student hours. Classes that use the automated attendance tracking system are not impacted
College students cannot submit CE/CEHS online application
Date of Birth is blank for some CE/CEHS students in Campus Solutions when submitting the CE/CEHS Online Application
EMS 3.1 file is not uploading for the colleges
Faculty cannot send attachments to emails sent from Campus Solutions; faculty should use Outlook or another email service
In College Tracking Admin, the "Currently Logged In" filter does not always show all students
Reinstated students cannot be assigned a grade
Requisites between short-term classes are not uniformly enforced
Some faculty members are unable to log into College Flex system
Student groups (unofficial requisites) are not consistently clearing prerequisites
When a refund is processed, an error appears for some students who paid via credit card at the Accounting Office and these students are unable to be refunded (temporary workaround in place)
When selecting ethnic background, some CE/CEHS students are receiving an error message