ENROLLMENT UPDATES SPRING 2020: As of December 8th: · 7,005 students are enrolled at City College in 1,471 sections · 11,784 students are enrolled at Mesa College in 2,239 sections · 7,307 students are enrolled at Miramar College in 1,238 sections INTERSESSION 2020: As of December 8th : · 1,340 students are enrolled at City College in 46 sections · 2,236 students are enrolled at Mesa College in 101 sections · 1,904 students are enrolled at Miramar College in 71 sections IMPORTANT SPRING 2020 Implementation All access to the college online Attendance Rosters will be reinstated for all classes beginning spring/intersession. Instructions will be sent to Fall faculty teaching Positive Attendance this week Faculty will be able to send emails with attachments directly from Campus Solutions Students will be automatically enrolled from Wait Lists
ISSUES RESOLVED NEW ISSUES College attendance tracking overnight job is failing again. Classes that use the automated attendance tracking system have tracking hours that have not yet updated due to the job failure (once the overnight job runs successfully again, the hours will update on the student login page and Tracking Admin). Note that the hours are current as of 12/02/2019 (excludes 12/02/2019’s tracking hours)
KNOWN ISSUES BEING ADDRESSED Impacting Students: Class Search is not showing all books required College students cannot submit CE/CEHS online application, student should see a staff member for manual processing For some CEHS students, Declared Major, SSSP services, and Ed Plan are not being generated once enrolled in a High School Diploma course Requisites between short-term classes are not uniformly enforced Students with Honors Contracts no longer require the creation of a separate Class Nbr (CRN) and are included in the regular class roster. Faculty are not able to determine which students have an Honors contract from their class roster. However, the Honors Designation for the course shows on the student’s official transcripts. We are working on a process to notify faculty of the students in their class(es) that have Honors Contracts There is an issue with the student representation fee not always recalculating to the correct college if the student has dropped or withdrawn from a class with a student specific waiver (it works if the entire class has the fee waiver) When a refund is processed, an error appears for some students who paid via credit card at the Accounting Office and these students are unable to be refunded (temporary workaround in place)
Internal Impact: EMS 3.1 is working properly except for the issue with positive attendance reporting In College Tracking Admin, the "Currently Logged In" filter does not always show all students
IMPORTANT LINKS ANY ISSUES WITH QUERIES, REPORTS, AND ACCESS? please contact bhawley@sdccd.edu MANAGERS AND SUPERVISORS MAY REQUEST QUERY REPORTS THROUGH Query Request Form STATUS UPDATES FOR KNOWN ISSUES? Please check this website for status updates http://bit.ly/mySDIssues PROBLEMS LOGGING INTO CANVAS? Make sure you are logging in to http://sdccd.instructure.com CONTACT FACULTY? New online faculty directory created by Student Services at http://www.sdccd.edu/mysdccd/faculty-directory.aspx MISSED FACULTY TRAINING? Check out the faculty training videos https://www.sdccd.edu/mysdccd/faculty/videos.aspx NEED HELP? Go to the MySDCCD Training Hub for "How to Guides" mySDCCD Info Hub HAVE AN ISSUE? Be sure to contact the Student Services Support Center https://mysdccd.atlassian.net/servicedesk/ Monday-Thursday 8:00am-6:00pm Friday 8:00am-5:00pm |