How to use your SafeID Token?

How to use your SafeID Token?

  • You need a SafeID Token for the following instructions.

  • Your SafeID Token is ready to use when you pick it up.

  • The six-digit code is different everytime on your SafeID Token.

    To request a SafeID Token, please click HERE.

To begin using your SafeID Token:

  1. Visit https://outlook.office.com/ and type in your @student.sdccd.edu email address in the Email, phone, or Skype field.


  2. Enter your password in the Password field, and click Sign in.
    Your password is the same password as your mySDCCD student portal password.


  3. Make sure you have your SafeID Token with you during this process.
    Click on Use a verification code.


  4. On your SafeID Token device, press the On/Off button.


  5. A six-digit code shows on the screen. (This is a sample image. Do not use 862180.)


  6. Copy the six-digit code to the Code field and click Verify.


  7. Click No if you are using a computer station on campus.


  8. You are logged in!


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