

Query Information

Query Name


Contributing Institution

District Office

Contributing Analyst

Marc Grabiel

Maintenance/Upkeep Required

None known

Query Entry Last Updated


Query Search Fields

Term (FYI – it’s optional)

Term as in SDCCD_IRD (e.g. 2207, 2213, etc)

Query Fields of Interest


Identifies Term – used in Join


SDCCE Campus (CS017)


Location – used to identify Modality mostly (CS019)


Subject (CS006)


Catnum (CS007)

Course Description

Crsetitle (CS022)

Class Nbr

Classnbr (CS008) – used in Join

Class Stat

Classstat (CS010)

Start Date

Startdate (CS020)

End Date

Enddate (CS021)

4CBE Type

Course Attribute Value of Course Attribute 4CBE

4CBE Description

Number of courses and college relationship for noncredit-credit agreement

Cap Enrl

Cap (CS011)

Tot Enrl

Enrlcur (CS014) – Number of students currently enrolled (Enrlstatus = E)

Information about Query

What it does:

This query identifies sections that have an SDCCE CTE Transitions Credit by Exam agreement. It is triggered by having the Course Attribute 4CBE added to the section and the Course Attribute Value is used to identify the number of CE courses required to fulfill the agreement, the number of Credit college courses it awards and to which college that credit goes to because of the agreement.


Letter meaning: CE_Courses-to-College_Courses

A: 1-to-1 agreement, B: n-to-1 agreement, C: 1-to-n agreement, D: n-to-n agreement


# meaning: to which college (1 – City, 2 – Mesa, 3 – Miramar)

-3: to Miramar, -2,3: to Mesa or Miramar



C-3, 1CE:nMiramar – 1 CE course to multiple Miramar courses

B-1,2, nCE:1City/1Mesa – many CE courses to 1 course at City or Mesa


It also has the number enrolled and capacity so it can be used for enrollment counts and fill rates (but appropriate de-duplcation of rows may need to occur first - remove duplicates by Class Nbr).

Joins Needed

Please perform a join with Course section via:

Course_Section.Term to X_CM_CE_4CBE_ENROLLMENT.Term

Course_Section.Classnbr to X_CM_CE_4CBE_ENROLLMENT.Class_Nbr

Source Table in Campus Solutions



Filter by CRSE_ATTR = 4CBE


Marc validated this query to ensure that it served its original intent (list of sections with each 4CBE Course Attribute Value).

Additional Resources:

Credit by Exam webpage:


Known Issues, Related Details, and Other Notes

Feel free to reach out to Marc if you have any questions.