


Query Information

Query Name


Contributing Institution

Mesa College

Contributing Analyst

Nancy Cortes

Maintenance/Upkeep Required

  • HUD low-income guidelines will need to be updated by emailing Victor DeVore when HUD’s FY2021 guidelines become available.

  • Both income guidelines for HHS and HUD will need to be updated every year moving forward.

Query Entry Last Updated


Query Search Fields

Aid Yr

Year (e.g. 2019, 2020, 2021)

Campus (% for DW)

(blank) = All Campuses

% = All Campuses

CITY = City College

MESA = Mesa College

MIRA = Miramar College

Query Fields


Identifies campus student is registered?



FAFSA Aid Year

Year HHS poverty guidelines reflect

Academic Year

Academic Year corresponds to


Category by Department of Education


Category by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Information about Query

What it does:

The query looks at Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and family size as reported in the student’s FAFSA application to determine if they qualify as low-income based on two different criterion: (1) at or below 150% of the poverty guideline as published by HHS, and (2) low income guidelines as published by HUD. Each criteria is displayed in a separate column.

  • For the 2019 aid year (Fall 18, Spring 19, and Summer 19) the query uses 2019 HHS poverty guidelines * 150% and FY2019 HUD low-income guidelines.

  • For the 2020 aid year (Fall 19, Spring 20, and Summer 20) the query uses 2020 HHS poverty guidelines * 150% and FY2020 HUD low-income guidelines.

  • For the 2021 aid year (Fall 20, Spring 21, and Summer 21) the query uses 2021 HHS poverty guidelines * 150% and [temporarily] FY2020 HUD low income guidelines. Note that HUD low-income guidelines will need to be updated by emailing Victor when HUD’s FY2021 guidelines become available.

  • Both income guidelines for HHS and HUD will need to be updated every year moving forward.

* Attached is a compilation of poverty/low-income guidelines for the most recent years.

How is the student income calculated?

A student’s income is calculated as follows:

  • When a student is dependent, the query uses the sum of the parent’s income and the student’s income.

  • When a student is independent, the query uses the student’s income (which would also include a spouse’s income as well).

Possible uses for this variables:

  • The 150% poverty guideline variable is useful when filing Waiver #2 for the Department of Education’s Grant Eligibility Application, which requires proving that 30% of students are living at or below 150% of the poverty line.

  • The HUD low income guidelines take into account the higher cost of living in San Diego and capture a bigger share of the student population than the more restrictive HHS poverty Guidelines.

How to read the file:

  • The low income flag according to the 150% poverty guideline will be displayed under column named “DOE” and HUD’s income flag will be displayed under the column named “HUD.”

  • A value will be returned for all students that have a household size and AGI on file for a given aid year.

Additional Notes:

  • The query can be run for one specific college or for all of them combined. The college represent the college receiving the financial aid application. Be aware there are some students with records under more than one college. My recommendation is to download this file for all colleges and then unduplicate.

  • This query will need to be maintained by emailing Victor DeVore new poverty/low income guidelines as they become available.

  • Note that the Campus Solution’s query returns Emplid’s, yet the 2019 aid year corresponds to two terms that still exist in the legacy data mart. This means that anyone using this query for Fall 18 or Spring 19 will need to match csid’s to their corresponding emplid’s.


I downloaded the Data on Demand financial aid application file for 18-19 and matched the records to our data base using Ssn’s. When I looked at students enrolled at Mesa in Fall 18, the percent of student that qualified as low income based on the 150% poverty guideline only differed by about 2 percentage points. The percent was higher when using this query than when using Data on Demand files.

Additional Resources:

R:\Campus Solutions Portal\Special Run Queries - Support Documentation\SDCCD_IR_LOW_INCOME_RPT

Known Issues, Related Details, and Other Notes

Feel free to reach out to me (Nancy) if you have any questions

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