Query Information

Query Name


Contributing Institution

District Office

Contributing Analyst

Marc Grabiel

Maintenance/Upkeep Required

None known

Query Entry Last Updated


Query Search Fields


Term as in SDCCD_IRD (e.g. 2207, 2213, etc)

Query Fields of Interest


Identifies College or Campus (CE)


Identifies Term – used in Join


Identifies Emplid – used in Join


States MIS DED# SG21

Attr Value

States SG21 Subcategory value


States SG21 Subcategory value description


Additional notes provided. Is used as short-term method to identify if entry is tied to a class section (“IS”)

Information about Query

What it does:

This query provides student level reporting for SG21 subcategories. Each row represents a single SG21 subcategory entry. Students may receive multiple SG21 subcategories and may receive multiple of the same SG21 subcategory in a term. It is CE specific.

Joins Needed

Please perform a join with Student Basic or Enrollment via:

to X_SR_MIS_WBL_SG21_CE.Term


Source Table in Campus Solutions

CES_STDNT_ATTR – Student Attribute table


However, you must filter for “SG21” at “STDNT_ATTR – Student Attribute”, remove any “EFFDT - Effective Date” filtering, and filter out CITY, MESA, and MIRA.


Marc validated this source and query with each Career and Technical Education lead. No lead found an issue with the numbers provided with their own internal validation.

Additional Resources:


  • This query is the same as X_SR_MIS_WBL_SG21 except it only shows the different Campuses for CE. X_SR_MIS_WBL_SG21_CE orders by Campus and then ID.

  • Marc found that some teams performing entry input needed support in how to input multiple rows of data at the same time when the practice first began.

  • Term values may be off as they are manually input. Marc found one value from a different campus with term “2007”.

  • Feel free to reach out to Marc if you have any questions.