

Query Information

Query Name


Contributing Institution

District Office

Contributing Analyst

Marc Grabiel

Maintenance/Upkeep Required

None known

Query Entry Last Updated


Query Search Fields


Term as in SDCCD_IRD (e.g. 2207, 2213, etc)


CE, CITY, MESA, MIRA, (or leave blank for all)

Note. CE Specific campuses are not an option and “CE” does not pull up each CE Campus.

Query Fields of Interest

SG21 Campus

Identifies College or Campus (CE) listed


Identifies Term – used in Join


Identifies Emplid – used in Join

Information about Query

What it does:

This query provides a list of IDs with at least one student level SG21 subcategory reported at an SG21 Campus and term. It does not provide information about which SG21 subcategory was recorded or how many SG21 subcategories a student received. This list is unduplicated at the SG21 Campus level (if a student was given an SG21 subcategory at CITY and MESA in the same term they will appear in each SG21 campus list. This is also true for the CE Campuses). The following unduplicated lists will have to be created manually (Districtwide, All Credit Colleges, SDCCE).

Joins Needed

Please perform a join with Student Basic or Enrollment via:




Recoding may need to happen to link SG21 Campus to specific colleges

Source Table in Campus Solutions

CES_STDNT_ATTR – Student Attribute table


However, you must filter for “SG21” at “STDNT_ATTR – Student Attribute”, remove any “EFFDT - Effective Date” filtering and then unduplicate at SG21 Campus and ID.


Marc validated these query values to what he sees when he counts distinct IDs from X_SR_MIS_WBL_SG21.

Additional Resources:


Known Issues, Related Details, and Other Notes

Feel free to reach out to Marc if you have any questions.