How to Review Nursing Applications

How to Review Nursing Applications

This tutorial walks you through the steps to review Nursing Applications. Users must login using the citycollegenursing@sdccd.edu email account in JIRA.

  1. Login at http://admin.mysdccd.info, once you login it will take you to the Service Desk Dashboard. From here click on “Deviniti Queues (Forms and Support Queue)”

  2. This will take you to your queues. Be sure you’re in “City Nursing” section. From here you should see several sub-queues:

    Sub-Queues Meanings:
    Applications Submitted - Applications have been submitted but not yet reviewed.
    Applications in Review - Applications are being reviewed by someone, consult the comments section to see who.
    Ready for Ranking - Applications are complete with necessary documentation and ready to be scored/ranked.
    Offer Admissions - Applications met the score criteria and have been sent a letter of admissions.
    Student Accepted Admission - Student has accepted their admissions offer and will need to be sent the mandatory orientation email and next steps.
    Student Declined - Student has declined their admissions offer.
    Denied/Cancelled Applications - Student did not meet the criteria or submitted an incomplete application.

  3. To start, click on Applications Submitted, this will show all of your applications that have been submitted. From here you can see their name, Student ID as well as when it was submitted.

  4. To review an application click on either the SRV# or the Summary Name

  5. Once you are ready to review the application, click on “Not Started” in the top right and change the status to “In Review.” This lets others know that you are reviewing the application. Best practice is to make an internal note at the bottom letting others know who is reviewing the application.


  6. In this phase of the review process you are making sure that the Student ID matches the name, be sure to open up mySDCCD and visit the Student Services Center. Copy the Student ID and paste it in the Student ID field. If the name doesn’t show up, try doing a search based on the name.

  7. Once you validate the Student ID, now you are reviewing the application for completeness. Make sure they answered appropriate questions, provided the needed information and attached the necessary documentation.
    Application Information:

    Click on Prerequisites and TEAS to view that information.

    Attachments/Documentation Section (Click to view):

  8. Once you determine the application is complete, click on “Application Accepted → Ranking” to let others know the application is ready for ranking.

  9. Once you tabulate the score, enter it in the “Nursing Score” field.

  10. When you are ready to begin establishing cut-off scores for admissions, be sure you’re in the “Ready for Ranking” queue. From here you can see all completed applications along with the ranking received.

  11. Click through each application in this sub-queue, if they meet the cut-off score click on “Send Offer Letter” Otherwise, click on “Not Selected” and this will send them the “Denial Email” This will automatically trigger the email to the student offering admissions to the Nursing Program.

  12. This ends the review process of the Nursing Admissions Process.