Baccalaureate Degree Curriculum Approval Process

Baccalaureate Degree Curriculum Approval Process

Regional Consortium Recommendation

The approval process for Baccalaureate degree programs in California Community Colleges includes a crucial requirement of obtaining a regional consortium recommendation. This recommendation is a vital step in ensuring the quality and appropriateness of the proposed programs for implementation.

The regional consortium, consisting of representatives from neighboring community college districts, plays a significant role in evaluating and providing input on the feasibility and necessity of new Baccalaureate degree programs. Their expertise and collaborative approach help assess the potential impact of these programs on the region, existing educational offerings, and workforce needs.

To stay informed about the current schedule and specific requirements related to the Regional Consortium Recommendation Process, interested parties should refer to the dedicated website. This resource provides the most up-to-date information on the procedural aspects, timelines, and guidelines necessary for successfully seeking the regional consortium's recommendation.

By adhering to the regional consortium recommendation process, California Community Colleges ensure a comprehensive and inclusive evaluation of proposed Baccalaureate degree programs, fostering the development of high-quality educational opportunities that align with regional needs and promote student success.

Local Curriculum Approval Process

The curricula for these baccalaureate degree programs are subject to approval as per the guidelines outlined in the San Diego Community College District (SDCCD) AP 5020 Curriculum Approval, which aligns with the relevant sections of Title 5, specifically Sections 55201 and 55002.

While the timing of this step may vary throughout the process, it is essential that Baccalaureate degree programs receive the necessary recommendation from the Regional Consortium and subsequent approval at the local level before being submitted to the Chancellor's Office Curriculum Inventory (COCI).

California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Curriculum Approval Process

Baccalaureate degree curricula must be approved by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office before it may be advertised and offered. Refer to the current California Community Colleges Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH) and the California Community Colleges Curriculum Submission and Approval Handbook for the current requirements and processes.

Note: Baccalaureate degree curricula can only be submitted to the Chancellor's Office Curriculum Inventory (COCI) after the college has obtained full approval for the program from both the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office and the California Community Colleges Board of Governors.


SDCCD Shelly L. Hess Dean Instructional Services and Victor DeVore Dean Student Services

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