Program Requirements

Program Requirements

The Program Requirements section of this manual outlines the various conditions, reporting requirements, and academic standards that must be met by the program. Here is a brief summary of the key components covered in this section:

  1. Conditions for Eligibility: This section specifies the conditions that community colleges must meet to be eligible for participation in the baccalaureate degree program. These conditions may include demonstrating unmet workforce needs, avoiding program duplication with existing universities, and possessing the necessary resources and expertise to offer a quality program.

  2. SDCCD Colleges Program Reporting Requirements: This section provides a brief overview of SDCCD reporting requirements including program data, outcomes, and other relevant information to ensure transparency and accountability.

  3. General Baccalaureate Degree Standards: The section outlines the general standards the baccalaureate degree program must adhere to. These standards ensure the program's quality and alignment with the expectations of a bachelor's degree. They encompass criteria related to curriculum design, faculty qualifications, student learning outcomes, and program assessment.

  4. Lower Division Coursework Requirements: This section provides guidelines for the lower division coursework that students must complete as part of the baccalaureate degree program. It includes general education requirements, prerequisite courses, and foundational coursework that establish a strong academic foundation for upper division studies.

  5. Upper Division Coursework Requirements: The section specifies the requirements for the upper division coursework, which constitutes the specialized study within the chosen field of the baccalaureate degree. These requirements include major-specific courses, electives, internships, research projects, and capstone experiences. The coursework is designed to deepen students' knowledge and skills in their chosen field of study.

By outlining these program requirements, the manual ensures that participating community colleges establish and maintain high-quality baccalaureate degree programs that meet the necessary academic standards, provide valuable vigorous education, and address regional workforce needs.

This section has been updated with Title 5 regulations approved by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors on November 18, 2024.

  1. Conditions for Eligibility (AB 927)

  • District written policy that requires all potential students who wish to apply for a California College Promise Grant (CCPG) Fee Waiver, to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a California Dream Act Application (CADAA) in lieu of CCPG Fee Waiver Application.

  • District shall have additional mission to provide high quality undergraduate education at an affordable price for students and the state.

  • Demonstrate the baccalaureate degree program fulfills unmet workforce needs in the subject area of the baccalaureate degree to be offered and offer a baccalaureate degree at a campus in a subject area with unmet workforce needs in the local community or region of the district.

  • The CC baccalaureate degree program shall not duplicate a baccalaureate degree program or program curricula already offered by the California State University or the University of California.

  • College currently has an associate degree in subject area of proposed degree

  • Maintain separate records for students enrolled in upper division and lower division of a Baccalaureate Degree Program.

  • Track number of applicants, admissions, enrollments, and degree recipients.

  • Report extent to which the Baccalaureate Degree Program fulfilled workforce needs.

  • Track place of employment of students and subsequent job placement of graduates.

  • Program costs.

  • Funding sources used to finance program.

  • Calculation of cost/degree awarded.

  • Cost of program to students.

  • Amount of financial aid offered.

  • Student debt level of graduates of program.

  • Time to degree rates for the bachelor’s program.

  • Completion rates.

  • Impact on underserved and underrepresented students

General Requirements:

All baccalaureate degrees offered by a California community college must meet the minimum requirements outlined in this section. These requirements are designed to ensure the baccalaureate degrees are equivalent or superior to other baccalaureate degrees offered by other regionally accredited community colleges or universities throughout the United States. Each degree program must include the following: 

  1. A combination of lower division and upper division coursework totaling a minimum of 120 semester or 180 quarter units that are applicable to a baccalaureate degree as defined within these guidelines. A minimum degree requirement of 60 semester credits or 90 quarter units at the associate level.

  2. At least 36 semester or 54 quarter units of general education that includes:

    1. Lower division general education coursework in accordance with Title 5, Section 55061 and Title 5 Section 55062 (SDCCD a minimum of 27 units)

    2. Upper division general education in accordance with Title 5, Section 55091:

      1. at least nine semester or 13.5 quarter units of upper division general education coursework is required.

      2. Upper division general education courses must come from at least two disciplines outside of the major, one of which must have an emphasis in communication, oral communication, or computation

  3. Completion of a minimum of 40 semester or 60 quarter units of upper division courses

  4. Courses designated as upper division major requirement must be completed with a minimum grade of “C” or “P”

  5. Completion of the requirements for the baccalaureate degree with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in the degree-applicable courses.

  6. Satisfactory completion of at lease 12 semester units of upper division courses at colleges within the awarding district.

Students who have completed the California General Education Transfer Curriculum (Cal-GETC) shall be deemed to have fulfilled lower division general education course requirements for the baccalaureate degree.

Students who have been awarded a bachelor’s degree from an institutionally accredited institution shall be deemed to have fulfilled the lower division general education course requirements for the baccalaureate degree.

Students may receive credit for knowledge or skills acquired through the district’s procedures for awarding credit for prior learning in accordance with Title 5, Section 55050.

Enrollment in upper division courses shall be limited to students admitted to a baccalaureate degree program at a California community college.


“Upper division courses” require the application of lower division knowledge and the

demonstration of critical thinking through writing, oral communication, or computation.


Upper division coursework may encompass research elements, workforce training,

apprenticeships, internships, and may require practicum or capstone projects. Upper

division courses may have one or more lower or upper division prerequisites.


“Major” has the same meaning as in section 55061.


SDCCD Shelly L. Hess Dean Instructional Services and Victor DeVore Dean Student Services

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