Reporting Requirements
The following are required reporting elements for colleges offering Baccalaureate degrees:
Legislated Reporting Requirements (ref: Program Requirements).
Maintain separate records for students enrolled in upper division and lower division of a Baccalaureate Degree Program.
Track number of applicants, admissions, enrollments, and degree recipients.
Report extent to which the Baccalaureate Degree Program fulfilled workforce needs.
Track place of employment of students and subsequent job placement of graduates.
Program costs.
Funding sources used to finance program.
Calculation of cost/degree awarded.
Cost of program to students.
Amount of financial aid offered.
Student debt level of graduates of program.
Time to degree rates for the bachelor’s program.
Completion rates.
Impact on underserved and underrepresented students
CB03 - Be sure that the appropriate TOPS code is entered for the Baccalaureate program in Campus Solutions.
SG12 - Students participating in Baccalaureate program
SP02 - Student program award
New fee codes to the 1098T reporting jobs so new codes track as tuition.
Changes to data downloads: