Faculty Requirements
Implementing a new baccalaureate degree:
Provide Human Resources with a PASS with new discipline/job codes. Additionally HR must confirm instructors meet the minimum qualifications.
ACCJC Requires:
The qualifications for faculty teaching upper division courses in the baccalaureate degree
include the requirement for a master’s degree (or academic credentials at least one level
higher than a baccalaureate degree) or doctoral degree, in an appropriate discipline.In cases where no Master’s degree is available for the field of study, the qualifications for faculty teaching upper division courses in the baccalaureate degree include a bachelor’s
degree in the discipline or closely related discipline, and a Master’s degree in any
discipline, and demonstrated industry work experience in the field for a minimum of six
years, and commonly required industry-recognized certification or professional licensure.The Commission may require some faculty in non-career technical education baccalaureate programs to have a recognized terminal degree in the field of study.
Source: ACCJC
All public California community districts have hiring authority and must adhere to the minimum qualifications when establishing hiring criteria and/or determining hiring eligibility. The districts may include additional criteria over and above the minimums, but can never hire below the minimums.