mySDCCD: Portal Basics

mySDCCD: Portal Basics

Student Guide to mySDCCD






Student Portal




This guide walks students through the basics of mySDCCD.  Students must have an active college application on file in order to be able to login to mySDCCD.


mySDCCD provides users with an intuitive interface that provides access to key student activities, such as viewing your class schedule, financial aid, important deadlines, and viewing emails in the message center. It is also mobile friendly, which means that you can access it with full functionality from your phone or tablet. This tutorial will go over the basic functions you can perform in your new student portal. 

  1. Log into your mySDCCD account by going to http://my.sdccd.edu  and enter your 10-digit User ID, Password and click on "Sign In"

  1. On the main navigation page, click on the College Student Dashboard tile.  If you see other tiles, you are, or may have been, an employee of the District. 

  1. The main dashboard will display.  Here you will get a "birds eye view" of the resources available to you in mySDCCD.  The portal is divided into a series of "pagelets" that contain related information:


  • My Classes- Lists class information such as registered and wait listed classes, grades, class search, etc. 

  • My Financial Aid - A quick glimpse regarding your financial aid awards.  Includes information on SAP, Cost of Attendance, Awards, and Residency Status

  • My To-Do List - Lists items that you need to be aware of, or need to complete related to your financial aid

  • My Finances- Shows total charges due, tuition and fees, refund policy, and 1098-T tax information

  • Calendar and Deadlines - Semester deadline dates

  • My Success Path - Information related to your major, academic standing and catalog year

  • Student Quicklinks - Shortcuts or bookmarks to frequently accessed pages.  

  • Documents and Forms - List of forms and important documents for students

  • My Student Store - Associated Students Membership, bookstore, bus pass, etc. 

  • Help and Support - Access to help tickets and items

  • More Info- quick access to instructions on navigating the portal page you are on

Please note: you can click on the - or + sign on each pagelet header to minimize or maximize that pagelet

  1. On the left side, you'll notice an icon that looks like a blue tab this icon closes/opens up a side menu that provides you with another way to access pages.  To go back to the home dashboard click on "College Student Dashboard."

    If you click on the home icon in the top right, it will take you to the main menu for the portal.

    Note: Students will have limited navigation until registration start in mySDCCD for Spring 2019

  1. Starting in the top left corner, you will see the "My Classes" pagelet. You can view your class schedule, view your grades,  enroll in classes, use class search, plan courses through My Planner, and view your unofficial transcript. *Any registration holds will appear in red.

     If you see Spring 2019 classes, please note that there is a week delay when you register for the class in Reg-e for it to show in mySDCCD.  For summer 2019 classes, it will show immediately once you register for classes.

  1. To view your financial aid, scroll down and view the the My Financial Awards section in the bottom left corner. 

  2. On this section, you can view and select your awards from Fall, Spring, and Summer. You can also view your Shopping Sheet and your Cost of Attendance. This is also where you would find your Satisfactory Academic Progress and Residency Status

    In this student's example, the student received the Pell (Pell is disbursed two times a semester which is why you see two rows), and the California college Promise Grant for the Fall 2018 semester.

  1. In the middle section, you will see your "My To-Do List"  This contains open items required for you to complete. 

  2. On the To-Do List, you can view any required checklist items that are needed to complete the admissions and enrollment process. Note that any due dates in red text are past due. Click on each item to view the details.

  1. Below My To- Do List, is "My Finances". This pagelet shows total charges due, payments, tuition and fees, refund policy, and 1098-T Tax Information.

  1. Below My Finances, you can view the Calendar and Deadlines section.

  2. Use this section to view academic deadlines, such as the first and last day of classes, and the census day.  Click on each item for a description of that deadline. 

  1. Under the Calendar and Deadlines section, scroll down to view the My Success Path pagelet. 

  2. Use this section to view your Academic Goal, Major, Current Academic Standing and Catalog Year



  1. Scroll back to the top and view the Notifications section in the top right corner.

  2. Click on the red text saying "You have X items pending."

  1. The list of items that are still required from you will pop up.  Items in red are past due. 

  1. Directly under the Notifications is the Student Quicklinks section. This navigation bar is a one-stop shop for all of your needs, such as your Message Center, Blackboard, and Personal Information. You can also request unofficial and official transcripts, view financial aid, fees due, and search for classes. 

  2. Click on the Message Center to view communications from the District.

  1. A new tab will open with the Student Message Center. You can view all official emails from the District and your college. In this student's example, their only message is the Admissions Application confirmation.

    Please note: Pop up blockers must be disabled Otherwise you messages will not open. 

  2. Close this tab when you are done viewing your messages.

  1. Scroll past Document and Forms to the My Student Store section, on the bottom right corner. 

  2. Under the Documents drop down menu, you can access useful documents such as the Student Guide, Choosing the Right Math, the Academic Calendar, and an Assessment Brochure. 

  1. Under the Forms drop down menu, you can access important forms for various offices. These include documents such as the Active Military Duty Certification For Spouses and Dependents, Request for IGETC/CSU General Education Certification, and Grade Challenge Petition. 


  1. Directly under the Documents and Forms section, you can view My Student Store. These links give you quick access to purchasing items on Amazon, as well as your AS Membership, Bus Pass, Parking Permit, and other items from the Bookstore. 

  1. Lastly, if you require any additional help navigating your new portal, click on More Info for quick access to instructions on navigating the portal and click on Help and Support to access contact information for any issues you may be having.  

  1. Refer to the contact information, campus location, and website information on this window for additional help. 

  1. You have now successfully navigated your new student portal.

    End of job aid.

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